Why do doctors have such illegible handwriting (and this is not only in our country)

  • Dec 14, 2020
Why do doctors have such illegible handwriting?
Why do doctors have such illegible handwriting?

Bad handwriting is present not only among Russian doctors. This feature is noticed absolutely in all countries of the world. Few people enjoy reading what is difficult to understand. And even worse, having difficulty going to the pharmacy with a prescription. It is frankly annoying when what is written from you is supposedly hidden. It's amazing how doctors generally understand each other's writing. Where does this "international" feature come from? Perhaps the key to the answer to this question lies in the field of such a discipline as graphology.

Note: graphology is the area of ​​knowledge about a person's handwriting, as well as about the methods of its research from the point of view psychology, primarily from the point of view of the study of the personality of the writer and his emotional states.

Isn't that Sanskrit? / Photo: pikabu.ru.
Isn't that Sanskrit? / Photo: pikabu.ru.

Bad handwriting in doctors is not a secret code that only other fellow doctors can understand. The ironic thing is that often bad handwriting creates problems for the doctors themselves. From the point of view of the already mentioned graphology, poor handwriting of medical workers can be explained by a variety of reasons. The point is that each “bad handwriting” should be studied separately. So, in one case, a doctor has bad handwriting due to high intelligence, and in another - due to modesty and isolation. For one doctor, poor handwriting will be a sign of high professional intuition, while for another, a sign of lethargy.

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Interesting fact: Handwriting studies have been carried out with medical workers several times. They were attended by specialties not directly related to medicine, but working in hospitals. It turned out that the "usual" handwriting of doctors is not much different from the handwriting of accountants, cleaners, and drivers. However, doctors strikingly "spoil" their handwriting when writing on cards and writing prescriptions
Burnout does not add good handwriting. / Photo: yandex.ru.

Thus, in the vast majority of cases, there are two roots of bad handwriting of health workers. The first is the lack of time. The work of a doctor is very stressful. During the day (most of them) have to take a huge number of patients, and therefore every minute is precious. It is not surprising that in conditions of constant haste, a person begins to write less legibly.

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And also the constant haste. / Photo: golos.ua.

The second is "indifference" and professional burnout. The work of medical staff is very difficult and stressful from an emotional point of view. Constant work with people and the highest level of responsibility without proper rest quickly deplete a person's psychological strength. In addition, "indifference" is also a tool for the body's psychological defense. A person who constantly passes everything through himself (including the problems of others) burns out even faster.

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Computerization will solve the handwriting problem. / Photo: vitvesti.by.

However, very soon the problems of poor handwriting of doctors will sink into oblivion. This is due to the fact that electronic cards are gaining popularity in the world (and in their native open spaces).

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