7 historical facts that are changing the perception of time

  • Dec 14, 2020
7 historical facts that completely change the perception of time
7 historical facts that completely change the perception of time

Many are interested in history, but few compare historical facts from different industries, countries and cultures with each other. Often, everything simply refers to a century or, even more simply, "to ancient times." All the facts related to mammoths may seem very old, and the events with the people we know are more modern than they should be. The Novate.ru editorial board offers to compare some interesting facts from history in order to understand how many amazing things happened at the same time. Amusing coincidences in historical chronology will force you to look at the past in a new way.

1. Creativity and monumentality

Starry Night is recognized as one of the most famous paintings in Western culture. / Photo: mywowo.net
Starry Night is recognized as one of the most famous paintings in Western culture. / Photo: mywowo.net

The painting "Starry Night" is recognized as one of the best works of Van Gogh. The world famous masterpiece was painted in 1889, it is noteworthy that the construction of the Eiffel Tower was completed in the same year. The monumental building was conceived exclusively as an entrance to the "World Fair" in Paris, but everyone loved it so much that it became a permanent and highly valued heritage of Parisian culture. 1889 can be considered a real year of iconic works.

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The inspiring and romantic Eiffel Tower. / Photo: cms.inspirato.com

2. The collision of different eras

The popular Apple company started its activity in 1977. / Photo: diariocorreo.pe

Apple's registration for a year coincides with the death of the great world comedian Charlie Chaplin. These two events took place in 1977. Surprisingly, it was at this historical moment that the era of Charlie Chaplin's silent films ended and a new milestone in history began in the form of the beginning of the computer age. In the post-war years, technology developed very quickly.

Charlie Chaplin will forever remain in the hearts of silent movie lovers. / Photo: s14.stc.all.kpcdn.net

Cognitive fact: Chaplin died in his sleep at the age of 88 in Switzerland. The great man passed away due to a stroke.

3. George Washington and the dinosaurs

George Washington did not get to see the first dinosaur fossil with his own eyes. / Photo: upload.wikimedia.org

The first dinosaur fossil was discovered in 1824. Accordingly, their existence was only officially recognized at this time when the British naturalist William Buckland first described the Megalosaurus, which is now considered the first dinosaur to receive a scientific name. Unfortunately, George Washington, the first president of the United States, a famous statesman and serviceman, did not see such an important event in his lifetime. He died in 1799 at the age of 67. Like other people in those days, he did not yet know for certain that dinosaurs existed.

4. Mammoths and pyramids

Pyramids are majestic structures that even modern inventions cannot compare with. / Photo: mandria.ua

According to scientific research, mammoths lived on our planet until 1650. BC. It is believed that during this period they were on the islands off the coast of eastern Russia. However, this period of history stands out not only for these large creatures, but also for the majestic man-made inventions: the Egyptian pyramids. It is established that the oldest of the "Great Pyramids" in Egypt, the Pyramid of Djoser was erected between 2630 BC. BC. - 2611 g. BC.

Mammoths still lived on Earth when the pyramids were built in Egypt. / Photo: abcdiario.com.ar

5. From popular book to new toy

Harry Potter books are among the most popular in the world among adults and children. / Photo: images.ua.prom.st

The first book about a mysterious boy with a scar on his forehead hit bookstore shelves in 1997. It has gained widespread interest among readers of different ages and countries, so the last book of the series called "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" was awaited with great interest and trepidation. The sale of the book began in the summer of 2007. In terms of the amount of excitement, this event can be compared only with the release of the first Iphone phone, which in the same year just began its victorious path among buyers.

The first Iphone made a splash in the technology market. / Photo: znaj.ua

6. Famous peers

Queen Elizabeth and Marilyn Monroe in the same photo. / Photo: static.boredpanda.com

Queen Elizabeth and Marilyn Monroe were born in the same year - 1926. Now the queen is 93 years old and she still looks great. Marilyn Monroe was also famous for her beauty, feminine charm and talent. Thanks to a successful photo taken in London in October 1956, it is possible to simultaneously admire the two beauties who met at the premiere of the film "Battle for the River Plate". Marilyn Monroe came to the premiere accompanied by her husband, Arthur Miller. In the photo, they are visible among guests queuing up to shake hands with the young queen. It's amazing how the fates of different people differ.

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7. Knowledge through the centuries

The Aztec Empire existed in the central part of modern Mexico. / Photo: i.pinimg.com

The Aztec empire came about through the unification of three self-governing city-states. It was formed in 1428 on Mexican lands and lasted until its defeat in 1521 year from the combined forces of the Spanish conquistadors and their local allies under the command of Hernan Cortez. The Aztec culture stood out for its rich and complex mythological and religious traditions, and impressive architectural and artistic achievements, therefore, forever entered the world history. And in England at this time, a significant share of attention was paid to education. Surprisingly, there is a version that the Oxford University, popular all over the world, began its work in 1096, long before the emergence of the Aztec Empire.

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Oxford University is striking in its grandeur. / Photo: dingyue.ws.126.net

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