Why do truckers put plastic bottles on the wheel bolts?

  • Dec 14, 2020
Why do truckers put plastic bottles on the wheel bolts?
Why do truckers put plastic bottles on the wheel bolts?

The owners of heavy trucks now and then come up with some tricks for their huge vehicles. As a result, a variety of means and solutions are used. Plastic bottles and caps from them are especially popular in "life hacks". In particular, a number of truckers attach them to the trailer wheels. Some of these solutions turn out to be so successful and versatile that they even migrate to ordinary cars.

Helps determine rotation. / Photo: yandex.ru.
Helps determine rotation. / Photo: yandex.ru.

The emergence of new automotive life hacks is appropriate to compare with the emergence of military regulations. They are primarily due to the struggle for survival, in our case - for the survival of the car in difficult and inhospitable conditions. In the case of truckers, it is not just about people, but also about precious cargo. Helps to "survive" and deliver the cargo to its destination, including a regular plastic bottle. It is widely used as a makeshift diagnostic tool.

If the pads are frozen, there will be no rotation. / Photo: rosregistr.ru.
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Everything ingenious is really very simple. Truckers in Russia install plastic bottles on wheel bolts in order to identify the risks of brake pads freezing to the discs. The fact is that when this happens, it is virtually impossible to notice the problem at an early stage of its occurrence without the use of "special means". Moreover, the powerful engine of the machine is capable of pulling even a heavy trailer with non-rotating wheels.

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Exploding a wheel is no joke. / Photo: yandex.ua.

The problem is that when this happens and is detected, it may already be too late - the tire tread will be erased to zero, or even to holes, which will inevitably lead to an explosion wheels. And this will cause a lot of problems not only to the driver of the tractor, but also to everyone around. To prevent this from happening, plastic bottles are installed.

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It is not only the trucker who can suffer. / Photo: youtube.com.

So, by pressing the brake pedal and looking in the rear-view mirror, the driver can always easily determine which wheels are really frozen and which continue to work as they should. This is clearly visible on moving or non-moving bottles. In addition, truckers use plastic covers to protect the wheel bolts and nuts from icing.

Continuing the topic, read about apartments on wheels, or How American Truckers Set Up Their Life.
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