Classic "perfect" borscht with or without frying: how the Kremlin chef prepares a dish

  • Dec 14, 2020
Classic "perfect" borscht with or without frying: how the Kremlin chef prepares a dish
Classic "perfect" borscht with or without frying: how the Kremlin chef prepares a dish

Borsch is a dish whose homeland is Ukraine. Today it is prepared in many countries of the world at home, in factories, in government agencies, in catering establishments and even within the Kremlin walls. In fact, there are a lot of cooking recipes, and each of them is good in its own way. Someone prefers to cook it with frying, and others without it. Anatoly Galkin, who has devoted 30 years of his life to working as a chef in the Kremlin, offers his own recipe for the “perfect” borscht. Frying is mandatory for him.

Red borscht recipe with fried vegetables

Chef Anatoly Galkin prepares borscht with fried / Photo:
Chef Anatoly Galkin prepares borscht with fried / Photo:

For cooking, you need pork pulp, chicken, beef on the bone. First, beef is placed in a saucepan and cooked for an hour, after which pork is added there, and after another thirty minutes chicken, which will still need to be cooked for half an hour. Add prepared potatoes. After it is cooked, put the cabbage, finely chopped. After a short period of time, sautéing is added. It is best to take lard for frying, in which there are no meat layers.

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Borsch with fried lard - tasty and satisfying / Photo:

Pasting is done as follows:

  • ripe red tomatoes are poured over with boiling water, peeled (peeled off) and cut, after which they are laid out in a frying pan;
  • after half an hour of simmering over low heat, carrots are added to the tomatoes, and a little later, onions.

In parallel with this, beetroot chopped into strips is stewed in another pan. First, it is lightly fried in lard, and then a little broth is added there. The beets are salted, a small amount of lemon juice, sugar and chopped garlic are added to it. First, fry is poured into the borscht, then beets, after which the dish "reaches" for another five minutes over low heat. Then put greens and cracklings. After readiness, the borscht should be infused for at least two hours.

Borscht recipe without frying

Chef Anton Samoilov prefers borscht without frying / Photo:

If frying is necessarily added to the classic recipe for a delicious dish, then this dish is made without it. According to the Ukrainian chef Anton Samoilov, adding frying is the main mistake of the housewives. The recipe for a tasty, but at the same time healthy dish should include the widest possible list of products. The entire cooking process should be carried out in stages.

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Borscht with the addition of frying is the main mistake of housewives / Photo:

Borscht takes an hour to cook and is dietary.

1. Meat (it is better to take lean pieces) is filled with water and put on a small fire. After boiling, reduce the heat and let the broth cook.

2. The onion is cut into cubes. What size head to take, each hostess decides for herself. Carrots are cut into strips, but you can also dice it, it doesn't matter. The same applies to beets. That is, you can do everything in the same way as when cooking a classic roasted dish.

3. After twenty minutes of cooking, other ingredients are added to the broth. First, onions are added, then carrots and potatoes, after which beets are added, as well as sweet peppers.

4. Borscht is cooked until the potatoes are ready, when they are almost ready, you need to add chopped cabbage.

5. At the same time, a delicious dressing is made, consisting of boiled eggs, garlic and a small amount of broth. The garlic is crushed, mixed with boiled yolk (the protein is removed). Three to four tablespoons of broth is added to this mass and mixed well. The egg white is cut into small cubes.

6. The ready-made dressing is added to the borsch, and the tomatoes, finely chopped beforehand, are sent there. The dish is boiled for another five minutes and herbs are added. All this is left on fire for another five minutes and turned off.

7. Ready borscht should be infused for half an hour.

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Cook borscht with frying or not - your choice / Photo:

Which option is better and tastier is hard to say. Much depends on the personal preferences of each of us. But both recipes allow you to get a really healthy, nutritious and delicious dish. What borscht without a slice of fresh bread. Read advice from professionals on how to store bread properly.
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