"Abandonment" instead of a cottage village in the Moscow region: how because of the scam people were left at a broken trough

  • Dec 14, 2020

How sad it is to contemplate abandoned objects that have served their time or simply abandoned as unnecessary, but still it is more painful to see dilapidated modern townhouses due to the fact that the founders of the developer are banal stolen. Another object on which a scam, unprecedented in its impudence and scope, was turned, is located in the Moscow region, 15 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Novorizhskoe highway. Judging by the advertising brochures, the elite village “Barcelona”, of the European type, should have flaunted at this place. But it didn't work out.

Another "abandonment" instead of a European-style cottage village ("Barcelona", Istra district). | Photo: kvadroom.ru.
Another "abandonment" instead of a European-style cottage village ("Barcelona", Istra district). | Photo: kvadroom.ru.

None of us will be surprised by long-term construction. Probably, not a single domestic shareholder will be able to boast that his housing was commissioned within the terms specified in the contract. But it’s one thing to wait even a year or a year and a half, and it’s another to be left without money and without a roof over your head. It was in such a deplorable situation that people found themselves who were seduced by democratic prices for the Moscow region, picturesque nature, the proximity of the capital and fresh air.

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Such beauty was promised to gullible equity holders who gave at least $ 10.95 million. USD each (Concept of the club village "Barcelona"). | Photo: kvadroom.ru.

Initially, the club cottage community "Barcelona" was very well advertised. As expected in such cases, fabulous prospects were outlined, which fairly educated people managed to "buy" - doctors, teachers, scientists, middle managers back in 2007. And what is most surprising, the people gave the money, but they never received the contract. For 4 years the "hurry" tried to get the developer to issue the long-awaited papers with signatures and seals. For the sake of fairness, it must be said that all these years, townhouses were built at a slow pace, but nevertheless, there was no question of delivery.

The abandoned unfinished village "Barcelona" is located in a picturesque place on the territory of 18 hectares (Istra district, Moscow region). | Photo: poselkimsk.ru/ 1news.md.

In order to receive new infusions of funds, the organizers of this unprecedented scam still bothered to make the agreement, which all the investors signed with relief and new ones immediately flooded in, because everything was very beautiful drawn. Moreover, by this time construction was in full swing and already half of 393 (!) Objects had walls kicked out and even some of them could see roofs. But, when all funds from equity holders were received in full (prices started from 10.95 mln. rub. for the smallest house), the construction was “frozen” in one day.

The beauty in the pictures in one day turned into a horror for investors, which has been going on for 10 years (Barcelona, ​​Istra district). | Photo: kvadroom.ru.

Help from the Novate editors. Ru: The settlement "Barcelona" was supposed to consist of 393 households, representing an integral architectural composition. Its structure was based on the usual elements of urban development - streets, quarters and squares. The smallest plot of 1.5 acres should contain a townhouse of 180 square meters, and the largest one - 283 square meters. m. on 5 acres of land.

Instead of a luxurious village immersed in greenery, there are ruins in thickets and construction waste (Barcelona, ​​Istra district).

Considering that by 2011 almost 300 objects were sold, it's easy to guess what fabulous money the company pocketed, which promised to hand over "A village in the European spirit with a complete landscaping and highly developed infrastructure" by 2012. But instead it remained unfinished, which after the firm went bankrupt, was sold to an offshore firm.

General devastation and mountains of rubbish instead of an elite village designed according to the European model (Barcelona, ​​Istra district) | Photo: 1news.md.

This incomprehensible company is registered in the British Virgin Islands and, as a result, is now owned by an unknown citizen, allegedly having nothing to do with Russia. Thus, in an instant more than 20 million. USD brazenly disappeared somewhere between the Virgin Islands and the capital's tycoons with a reliable bureaucratic rear, because such machinations do not turn around without their knowledge.

For many years, the equity holders of the Barcelona settlement have been seeking justice. | Photo: sravniposelki.ru.

Naturally, as soon as the equity holders found out that they had been "thrown", they began to ring all the bells and demand to return the money or finish building the housing, but the matter did not get off the ground. Neither protest rallies nor trips to court ended in anything good for them. Recently, there is not a word about the infamous village in the media, there are only advertising sites that still "sell" townhouses in "An elite village for outdoor enthusiasts, not far from the capital".

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These houses were supposed to be occupied by happy families, but they would simply be demolished (Barcelona, ​​Istra district). | Photo: 1news.md.

The only thing that the authors of Novate managed to find out about. Ru, so this is that equity holders (investors) were offered to completely convert debt obligations fraudulent companies, giving the opportunity to purchase 1: 1 objects located in the villages of "Lesnaya Bukhta" and "Sysoevo". But how it ended, there is no information, deceived people do not make contact and do not spread about this anymore. Meanwhile, the unfinished club village is almost completely dilapidated and this happened, most likely, not because nature conquers territory, but because the guards and residents of nearby settlements take away everything that lies badly or fixed.

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Due to criminal financial fraud, an interesting concept was not destined to come true.

While our authorities allow us to leave quite prosperous people without a roof over their heads and without hard-earned money, the municipality of California builds mini-homes for the homeless for free. In their village, the selected people will be provided with everything necessary for a normal life, including food, furniture, equipment, and even a computer class with the Internet.
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