Sooner or later, the household may need to carry out a very unusual operation, namely, to perforate a glass bottle so that it does not burst or crack in the process. The ideal option for such a "special operation" would be an ordinary nail. However, in fact, making a smooth and reliable hole is not at all as easy as it might seem at first glance.
What you need: glass bottle, a piece of plywood, a bottle of water, a bowl of 5 liters, an elastic band and a marker, an electric drill, a nail, a drill and a cutter of the same diameter
So, fold the gum in half, apply it in this form to the bottle and mark diametrically opposite points. Having marked the places of the holes, proceed to the next step. To do this, take a piece of plywood and drill a hole in it. After that, we put a plastic bowl on the workplace, put a glass bottle in it.
Place a piece of plywood on top of the bottle so that the drilled hole matches the markings made earlier. Now, we take a plastic bottle, make a small hole in its wall and close it with our finger - we collect water. Next, we place a PET bottle with water next to the basin so that later, the falling stream of water falls directly into the hole in the plywood.
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We start up the water, take a drill with a drill of a suitable diameter and begin to slowly and gently drill a hole in the glass, through a hole in the plywood sheet. Gradually increase the force and pressure, until the drill passes through the glass. Now you're done! Now you just need to repeat all the same for the second marker on the opposite side of the bottle.
We solemnly insert the nail into the holes.
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Continuing the topic, you can read about
how to make a drill for drilling hardened steelusing a bearing.
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