Shaped Sabotage: 5 Wrong WD-40 Life Hacks to Avoid

  • Dec 14, 2020
5 Wrong WD-40 Life Hacks to Avoid
5 Wrong WD-40 Life Hacks to Avoid

Today, the WD-40 is found in almost every car, garage or workshop. Much more important is that on the Internet you can find just an incredible amount of advice of varying degrees of usefulness and truthfulness about the "miraculous" properties of this substance. However, among these "life hacks" there are also frankly malicious ones. Here are a few of the most popular.

1. Resin remover

The resin will be removed along with the paint. / Photo:
The resin will be removed along with the paint. / Photo:

Very often you can hear how "experienced" comrades advise motorists to use WD-40 to clean the body from hardened tar, tar, fuel oil and other similar substances. It should be noted that this composition will really help from all of the above. However, you cannot use WD when working with a car body. This is because the composition will have an extremely detrimental effect on the paintwork of the car. All the same applies to removing greasy stains.

2. Glass cleaner

Leaves a greasy film. / Photo:
Leaves a greasy film. / Photo:
instagram viewer

No less popular on the Internet is the advice that 40-shka can be used as a glass cleaner, especially to remove midges. Here the situation is in many ways similar to the situation with the body. Of course, WD-40 glass will not corrode, but it will leave a notable fatty film on it, which will be extremely difficult to get rid of later.

3. Headlight cleaner

Makes the light output incorrect. / Photo:
Makes the light output incorrect. / Photo:

All the same with regard to the treatment of WD-40 car glass is true for lighting fixtures. It should be understood that the resulting fatty film is not just some kind of nuisance. In the case of headlights, it can also be downright dangerous, as it can easily cause incorrect scattering of the emitted light.

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4. Water remedy

It is better to use strictly as directed. / Photo:
It is better to use strictly as directed. / Photo:

Surely, the mention that WD-40 leaves a hard-to-remove film on the surface after processing, led a number of citizens to the idea of ​​using this composition as a remedy drops of rain. It's a really good idea, but just don't try to use WD-40 as a hydrophobic compound for car sight glasses. This is fraught with significant deterioration in visibility and the creation of dangerous situations on the road.

5. Lubrication of interior elements

You can get poisoned in pairs. / Photo:
You can get poisoned in pairs. / Photo:

It is strongly not recommended to use this composition as a lubricant for the mechanisms inside the car. If you constantly breathe in vapors from 40s, then it will definitely not add health. In addition, when working with plastic parts, the effectiveness of such a lubricant is extremely low.

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