Sulfur in the ears: what I wanted to know, but hesitated to ask

  • Dec 14, 2020
 Sulfur in the ears: what I wanted to know, but hesitated to ask
Sulfur in the ears: what I wanted to know, but hesitated to ask

Every person growing up in a normal family is taught to wash their hands before eating, wash their faces in the morning, trim their nails regularly and, of course, clean their ears. Earwax is a very specific substance and, strange as it may sound, is very interesting. This substance does not look the most pleasant and appetizing way, however, despite this, it performs an important function for maintaining the body in proper condition.

1. Why is she needed at all

The ear is an important organ. | Photo:

The ear is an important organ. | Photo:

Earwax is a viscous, sticky substance that has a protective function. It is necessary in order to prevent dirt, dust, water from entering the ear. But the most important thing is that earwax prevents harmful bacteria and fungi from entering the ear hole. Sulfur is released from almost 2 thousand glands, which generate about 20 mg of sulfur per month.

2. The swamp for the germ

It looks unpleasant, but it serves an important function. | Photo:
instagram viewer

Earwax consists mainly of lysozymes, an antibacterial enzyme that is also used in medicine. Artificially, this substance is obtained from the protein of chicken eggs. Lysozymes trap bacteria and are even capable of destroying certain types of microbes. Sulfur works like a sticky fly trap. The consistency and color of earwax can vary depending on the genetic makeup of the individual.

3. Overselection

Even the extra wax in the ears from the nerves. | Photo:

The glands that secrete earwax in the ears belong to the apocrine class of glands. This class is also responsible for sweating. For this reason, any strong load and stress provoke an accelerated generation of a protective substance. And this, in turn, means that at some point there may be more of it in the ear than is needed to maintain human health.

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4. Moidodyr did not pass

Better not. | Photo:

Earwax is one of those substances in the body that you shouldn't be too eager to cleanse. Only a small amount of sulfur should be removed. You should never try to get all the wax out of your ear. First, crystal clear ears are dangerous. Secondly, it is impossible to remove all earwax without medical equipment, moreover, the usual cotton swabs will only push it deeper into the ear canal. And this, in turn, can result in injury.

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5. How to clean your ears properly

Doctors advise against cleaning often. ¦Photo:

ENT doctors do not recommend cleaning your ears with cotton swabs for two reasons. First, it is ineffective. Secondly, there is a risk of creating a wax plug in the ear. It is best to use a saline solution for the hygiene procedure, which is instilled into the ears in an amount of 2-3 drops. However, this method is worth using only if there is a lot of sulfur.

The thing is that the human body is able to get rid of excess earwax itself. Slowly but surely - it happens all the time. Primarily due to the movement of the jaws while eating or talking.

If you want to know even more interesting things, then you should definitely read about 7 common mistakes of thosewho is trying to provide first aid.
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