How to fry your liver so that it is soft and not like a sole

  • Dec 14, 2020
How to fry your liver so that it is soft and not like a sole
How to fry your liver so that it is soft and not like a sole

Who doesn't love good food? The only problem is that not all dishes can be prepared easily and quickly, and even so that they are really appetizing in appearance and, most importantly, tasty. Take, for example, the liver: it is too soft, then too hard, then dry, then it has an incomprehensible taste. And sometimes the liver displays a taste and smell characteristic only for this piece of meat. What needs to be done to make the liver tasty?

The pieces are no thicker than a centimeter. | Photo:
The pieces are no thicker than a centimeter. | Photo:

It is impossible to beat off the characteristic taste and smell of the liver. Someone reacts to it completely calmly, others cannot bear it. The best and only thing that can be done in the latter case is to play with the combination of flavoring shades, make sure that the taste of the liver is harmoniously intertwined with the taste and aroma of other dishes and ingredients. It doesn't matter what kind of liver: chicken, pork, beef. Everything starts here directly with seasonings.

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The correct selection of spices is important. | Photo:

Of course, seasonings can be different. Rosemary is the best choice for beef and pork liver. Specifically, oregano, basil, nutmeg can also be safely applied to beef. Seasonings such as thyme and tarragon are not a bad choice (although more for an amateur). Garlic, pepper and paprika, and lemon peel can be used for all three types of liver, but are best paired with pork and chicken. True, the pork liver should be sprinkled with seasonings as much as possible, but the bird's liver, on the contrary, should be as weak as possible.

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The liver should lie free. | Photo:

Having dealt with seasonings, you should pay attention to another important point in the art of liver cooking. This is, of course, the thickness of the cut. The slices should be no thicker than 1 cm. Any liver is fried exclusively in well-heated oil. Don't forget to dip each piece in flour. In this case, you should not fry many pieces at once, the liver should lie in the pan freely. Seasonings are added to the liver only after one side is fried and the piece is turned over to the other. Salt is added during the final frying step.

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Salt at the last moment. ¦Photo:

Finally, the liver can be stewed after frying. For this, it is recommended to use sour cream or cream. Bon Appetit!

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