How to make the best artisanal rust remover

  • Dec 14, 2020
How to make the best artisanal rust remover
How to make the best artisanal rust remover

Rust is one of those phenomena that no owner will want to face once again. However, metal corrosion has to be dealt with more often than one might expect. Of course, there are many special tools and techniques to combat it. However, they all inevitably require the expenditure of additional funds. On the other hand, you can resort to the help of "people's" advice. One such very effective one will be discussed today.

Peroxide and citric acid are the base. | Photo:
Peroxide and citric acid are the base. | Photo:

Time does not spare tools, and therefore even the most reliable and proven things sooner or later appear hateful rust. The most obvious cleaning method is mechanical. However, it requires a lot of effort and time. Much better to resort to the "chemical" method. To do this, you can use special store tools, or you can prepare an artisanal composition of things that are most likely already in everyone's house.

We mix the ingredients. | Photo:

To prepare a miracle composition, you will need a bottle (vial) of hydrogen peroxide, citric acid, as well as ordinary table salt. The solution is prepared on the basis of peroxide. First add 40 grams of citric acid to it, and then another 2-3 teaspoons of salt. All ingredients must be mixed well. It is important to note that the solution can be used only once, and this must be done immediately after cooking (the composition gradually loses its properties).

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A simple but effective tool. | Photo:

Rusty objects are dipped directly into the prepared product and left in it for about 1-1.5 hours. If it is not possible to soak rusty things for a long time, it is necessary to soak a clean rag with the solution and thoroughly wipe the problematic tools or parts with it, and then wrap them for about an hour in this very soaked a rag.

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After carrying out procedures with a solution, things that have been in the composition from rust must be thoroughly wiped and dried.

It will definitely help. ¦Photo:

If you want to know even more interesting things, you should read about what to do if the screw is "stuck": how to do without a car service and chemicals.
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