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leftover a cup of yogurt in the refrigerator - a classic. Exactly as always by a whole bottle, and then we come up with, which would use it. If you make pancakes with or without already rather tired, you can try to prepare another dish. Slightly more than the original, but is also easy to prepare.
Today, we share a recipe for a mouth-watering chicken kebabs marinated in yogurt. Chicken fillet - available product and diet, so many housewives are sure to find in the refrigerator. In addition to breast and yogurt need salt to taste, your favorite spices and garlic. Roasting - maize (or plain) flour and a little vegetable oil.
To marinate the chicken, it is necessary to pre-cut into small cubes. Then prepare the marinade, adding the yogurt with salt, pepper, spices and crushed garlic. This fill meat marinade, subject to a few hours at room temperature (preferably in the refrigerator overnight at all, then skewer will be particularly soft and juicy).
Marinated meat remained strung on a skewer, then dip into cornmeal and send grilling in a pan until golden brown. Initially, fry one side, then flip to the other side. Par fried kebabs fast. It remains only to remove them from the pan, wet paper towel, and you can bring to the table! At the request of the dish can be decorated with chopped green onions or parsley.
There is another way to use leftover yogurt in the fridge. Prepare easily just such elementary snack, from which it is simply impossible to refuse.
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A source: https://novate.ru/blogs/161118/48434/