Is it worth working as an electrician? Pros and cons of this job

  • Dec 14, 2020
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Everyone dreams of becoming programmers, IT specialists, or, in extreme cases, a manager in a large company. But they forget that the main thing in their niche is to be a specialist. And it is especially necessary to understand your profession well if it is related to electricity. For example - electricians.

How much does an electrician make

A question that worries everyone at the initial stage of choosing a profession. Electricians are no exception.

A simple electrician from the housing office is a middle-aged man, with a three-day stubble (often with fumes) and a simple tool for a shabby bag, consisting mainly of a light bulb with two wires, a screwdriver and pliers, does not earn at all lot. His list of responsibilities is too simple: change the light bulbs in the entrance, the sockets, where necessary, rewind the burnt wires. Of course, no one will pay handsomely for such skills.

Figure 1: The modern electrician is a neat and tidy craftsman
Figure 1: The modern electrician is a neat and tidy craftsman

But modern electricians are capable of more:

  • Carry out wiring in an apartment or house from scratch. According to the normative documentation, with the obligatory preparation of the project, drawings, etc.
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  • Eliminate a malfunction of any complexity, whether it be a breakdown in the wall or incorrect operation of a low-current network.
  • Laying up to several kilometers of wires on one site in just a few days.
  • Arrive on call at any time of the day.
  • Always neat and looking good, which is important for any master.
Figure 2: You can be an electrician from the housing office and get a minimum ...

Such professionals are paid more solidly. For example, it costs at least $ 700 to install electrical wiring from scratch in a one-room apartment. And this is the cost of purely work.

Cons of the profession

The main disadvantage of the electrician profession is danger. Yes, yes, the real danger, because sometimes you have to work under voltage and the wrong movement or action can lead to "electric shock". And the effect of electric current on the human body, as you know, entails very negative consequences.

Figure 3: Sometimes you have to work under voltage

Another drawback in working for an uncle. But this is basically the case everywhere: a solid profit can be obtained only by working "on free bread". Even in the most popular office, the electrician will receive a certain, strictly rationed amount, rarely changing from the number of orders.

How to Become a Highly Paid Electrician

There is only one answer: just learn. If education is secondary, then it is urgently necessary to get higher education. With a degree in electrical engineering, you can already get a job at an enterprise, for example, as an energy engineer.

It is very important to devote time to self-development, now all conditions have been created for this: the Internet, e-books, videos on YouTube, video courses, simulation programs and much more. You can also look for help in the worldwide information network when a malfunction is found, which significantly speeds up the process.

Figure 4: Electrician is a fun and exciting profession

The most important thing in the profession of an electrician is not to be afraid of new discoveries. Understand the operation of differential machines, RCDs, voltage relays and phase priority. It is imperative to understand how a multimeter works, to constantly acquire a new instrument and improve yourself in its use.