Packet with the packet bout 60 or Hiding "T-shirts" bank from the coffee

  • Dec 24, 2019

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How to make your own hands paketnitsu
How to make your own hands paketnitsu

Find the kitchen, which would not have been with packages package - not an easy task. Most of the housewives prefer to keep them that way. However, the most resourceful know that this is not the best way: gradually package with packages grow to immense size and takes a polkuhni. To avoid this, you can use the same trick. it allows you to 60 bags in a store... cans of coffee.

Bag or box with packages have in every kitchen.
Bag or box with packages have in every kitchen.

To store the compact packages, you need to make paketnitsu. Some stores represented the ready, but usually they cost too high. For homemade do not need anything other than round cans of coffee, which is closed with a plastic lid.

Preparation for paketnitsy.
Preparation for paketnitsy.
Prepare a hole in the lid.
Prepare a hole in the lid.
hole processing sandpaper.
hole processing sandpaper.

Paketnitsa to look more attractive, the bank can be pasted with colored paper, paint or paint at all decorated in decoupage technique. The cover to cut a circular hole and treat it sandpaper to avoid burrs (otherwise the packages will break).

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Fold in half of the package itself.
Fold in half of the package itself.
One of the parts (without handles) fold in half again.
One of the parts (without handles) fold in half again.
Package Width - 5 cm.
Package Width - 5 cm.

Then proceed to the folding package. Initially, the package need to straighten and fold in half, and then the part that from the center, fold in half again. Further, the handle bends area, as shown in the picture, and turn the package in the form of a convolution.

Wrap the handle area.
Wrap the handle area.
How to wrap a package area.
How to wrap a package area.
We turn off the package in the bundle.
We turn off the package in the bundle.

The package is twisted so that at the end of lap put another pre-folded package. Wrap the last 10 cm together with handles of the second packet. In this way we form a bundle, adding packets to each other. Packets can take different in quality and form, fold tight to the bundle as a result fit into the jar.

Put the first lap of the second package.
Put the first lap of the second package.
We turn a tight roll.
We turn a tight roll.

On average, a normal coffee can fit about 60 packets. The roll should be dipped in, and the tip of the first packet to thread in a prepared hole. If you pull for the tip, then pull out a first packet, and after him - the second. In order to "pull" one package, you need to hold it gently by hand.

Roll placed in a jar.
Roll placed in a jar.

This simple method has long been used by savvy housewives. Places such paketnitsa takes very little to use it comfortably. In fact, to roll up all the packages into a roll, you do not need to over a quarter of an hour, but then at least a week it will be possible to use them, taking one at a time when it is needed.

The opening in the lid is threaded first packet.
The opening in the lid is threaded first packet.

To put things in perfect order, try these 10 simple ideas for an excellent organization of space in the kitchen.

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