Easy way to securely attach the garden hose to the tap (no adapters)

  • Dec 15, 2020
Photo: https://fatcamp.io/hytte.no/images/artikler/vann-hytta/vann1.jpg
Photo: https://fatcamp.io/hytte.no/images/artikler/vann-hytta/vann1.jpg

For many gardeners, the watering hose has become as essential a tool as a shovel or scissors. With its help, barrels are collected, dust is knocked off the paths, cultivated plants and fruit trees are watered. The main difficulty lies in attaching this garden tool to the water tap. The hose often comes off the slippery spout, leaks and breaks.

To solve this problem, you can purchase a special adapter. However, this option is suitable only for those who remembered the problem in advance and visited the hardware store before traveling out of town. In small suburban shops, such adapters usually do not exist.

We fix the hose with our own hands

There are several ways to attach a garden hose to a faucet spout, but I want to cover the simplest one. We don't need a special tool or special skills. All you need to do is wire and wire cutters.

The entire fastening process can be divided into 3 simple steps that take no more than 10 minutes.

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Step 1. We wrap the wire around the hose

Photo: https://a.d-cd.net/T4AAAgHywOA-960.jpg

We take copper, aluminum or any other sufficiently soft wire and cut off a piece about 30 cm long. Next, fold it in half so that a small eyelet remains at the fold. Now we put the hose on the tap spout (in our case, a pipe of a similar diameter plays its role) and wrap it tightly in the way shown in the figure above.

Step 2. We twist the wire

Photo: https://a.d-cd.net/V4AAAgHywOA-960.jpg

After that, insert the handle of the nippers into the eyelet (you can also use a large nail or any other metal object) and tighten the wire so that one end (our ear) wraps around another. During the process, care must be taken to ensure that the wire does not break and cut the hose.

Step 3. Bite off excess wire

Photo: https://a.d-cd.net/EoAAAgPywOA-1920.jpg

When the hose is firmly pressed against the faucet spout, excess wire can be bit off. Such a fastener will hold no worse than a clamp, and no special tool is needed to create it.

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