Why are tomatoes planted upside down? What is the meaning of this unusual procedure

  • Dec 15, 2020
Photo: https://blogmujer.net/wp-content/uploads/al-reves-plantador-4.jpg
Photo: https://blogmujer.net/wp-content/uploads/al-reves-plantador-4.jpg

Despite the fact that the method of planting tomatoes upside down has been around for a very long time, most gardeners consider it childish play, devoid of any sense. And there is some truth in this. From the outside, such an occupation seems like a mockery of plants and disrespect for gardening work. However, everything is not so simple.

If you take a closer look at the issue, it turns out that this method has many advantages, many of which are really very significant.

Method advantages

  1. Since the method involves planting in suspended containers, the choice of location is not limited to several beds. It may even be an area outside the garden, in places where there is no fertile soil.
  2. The height of the soil water and the drainage of the site no longer play any role, since there is simply no problem of standing water. Even after prolonged rains, the moisture level of the substrate quickly returns to normal.
  3. Plants isolated from each other practically do not suffer from pests and diseases typical for the culture. The lesions are exclusively local in nature and practically do not affect the overall yield.
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  4. Rare weeds that appear on the soil surface in an inverted container do not cause serious problems and are easily removed by hand.
  5. Mansion-growing tomatoes no longer need to fight for water and nutrients. Each plant has an individual supply in the form of its own lump of substrate.
  6. If necessary, the landings can always be moved or transferred to another place. For example, in the case of thickening or drafts.
  7. The likelihood of decay of the root system is reduced. A small soil clod warms up well and does not have stagnant excess moisture.
  8. In a suspended state, the load on the stem of the plant is reduced, which avoids breaking even during abundant fruiting.
  9. Harvesting from suspended bushes is much more convenient. The process becomes faster and more enjoyable. Plants can be easily walked around from all sides.

My personal experience

I have already written about the advantages above, so I want to briefly talk about a number of disadvantages.

  1. The main disadvantage is the difficult landing. Plants are easy to break during the procedure. Putting tomatoes in a small neck is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.
  2. In the middle lane, there is a problem with shelter from low night temperatures. This method will be useful for the southern regions of our homeland.
  3. You can't plant a lot of tomatoes this way. It is unlikely that the method can be called an alternative classic fit.
  4. Watering tomatoes is very inconvenient at first. In the future, you start to get used to it.
  5. When there is a lack of light, the plants begin to reach for the sun, as a result of which they bend. During fruiting, a strongly curved trunk may break.

Otherwise, the method is quite viable. For the sake of experiment, it's definitely worth a try. I planted only five bushes in this way, having received an interesting and important experience.


I did not notice any significant difference in comparison with the classic planting method.

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