What, according to popular beliefs, geranium brings to the house: deciphering the colors

  • Dec 15, 2020
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Photo: rastenievod.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/17.jpg
Photo: rastenievod.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/17.jpg

The heat-loving potted flower, which many are accustomed to call geraniums, is actually pelargonium. It is confused with a perennial herbaceous shrub that often grows in garden plots. However, for this article, such a nuance does not matter. In this article, we will talk about the properties that, according to folk signs, this bright lush flower possesses.

This article is not scientific material and is based only on the observations and experience of flower growers.

General properties of pelargonium

It is believed that pelargonium is capable of changing the financial condition of its owner for the better. However, unlike the money tree and zamiokulkas, this flower creates energy that attracts money through lottery winnings, gifts, unexpected finds, tax refunds and receipts inheritance. In order for a flower to show its properties, it must be properly looked after and maintained in favorable conditions.

However, pelargonium helps not only in solving financial issues. Depending on the color, the properties of the plant can vary greatly.

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Purple pelargonium

According to popular beliefs, purple pelargonium is capable of forging strong friendships. This plant is recommended for people with communication difficulties. The flower spreads its positive effect on both adults and children. An excellent reason for purchasing pelargonium purple shades will be the transition to a new job or a child's trip to first grade.

White pelargonium

Single people should pay attention to white pelargonium. A flower helps not only find your soul mate, but also build strong relationships. Keeping a potted plant is best in the bedroom.

For those who have already found a soul mate, white pelargonium will help to have a baby. The flower will not only bring the long-awaited pregnancy closer, but will also help establish contacts with the grown-up child.

Pink pelargonium

Pink pelargonium is worth getting people of creative professions. The flower awakens inspiration and striving for the ideal, improves concentration and allows you to plunge into the work process. The result of these efforts will be the emergence of new horizons and global goals.

For down-to-earth people, pink pelargonium will help to establish contacts with partners and find new opportunities for business development.

Red pelargonium

Pelargonium of bright red and burgundy shades will bring love and passion to the house. It is recommended to purchase this flower for successful married couples who have been married for a long time.

For single women, red pelargonium will become a symbol of youth. It will help maintain beauty, passion and attraction.

Read also on my website -Why do some gardeners stick matches in flower pots

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