As "bring to life" the old grandfather's ax by the hands, so as not to run to the store for a new

  • Dec 24, 2019

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 Even this ax can do better.
Even this ax can do better.

In today's market you can find a huge number of the most diverse and cutting-edge tools, including axes. It is said that the right to choose the hatchet is not so easy, and they cost big money. In order not to lose to the acquisition, it is possible to find an alternative way to resolve the issue with a new ax - to restore old with his own hands. It is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance.

we need

First, training, inspection and cleaning.
First, training, inspection and cleaning.

Can do, of course, only the manually operable means, but all the same we list all the things that will greatly facilitate the workflow and accelerate the restoration of the ax. Handy manual metal brush, Bulgarian, grinder, sandpaper, a mechanical jig saw. As well as grinding machine, caliper, a vice, a hammer, a file of wood, pencil and ruler.

There are several things, without which do not exactly succeed. They include wooden beams at least 50 cm in length. We need also to wedge the bar fabrication. Two small metal plates. Need glue, rags, water repellents.

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The working process

We begin polishing.
We begin polishing.

The first step is to make sure that the ax has not through cracks and chips. However, if the blade is covered with rust, then it must first be cleaned. It is best to start the removal of rust by hand wire brush. The blade is intact. Delete this way to get only the top most layer of loose rust. Later, you can use a grinder. To speed up the process it is recommended to keep the ax at an angle. Remove rust needed from all sides and bends. Completed treatment using a belt sander and abrasive belt, as well as the use of hand-sanding.

Cut ax.
Cut ax.

When rust is cleared, can be polished using a felt ax range previously fitted on the shaft grinding machine. This operation - only aesthetic.

Now you need to make an ax. Here we need a suitable block of wood. It is best to choose a solid wood: oak, ash, birch, maple. Mark up the next block with a pencil and start to cut. The easiest way to do this using a mechanical fret saw. When the billet is ready, mark and sawed in the same way the inner contour ax, after which remains long and laborious work - a file of a tree. Complete work should sander.

The most important thing to constantly check.
The most important thing to constantly check.

Recess groove for a wedge with the help of the jigsaw - the most critical part of the work on the ax handle. Thereafter, powerful movements and blows to sit down on the handle of the blade. On the input side need to have a supply of ax up to 1 cm. It remains only to make and drive a wedge of hard wood. Before hammering better to put him adhesive for added reliability. Ends stabilization axes by setting the middle portion of the wedge of the two metal plates at an angle. You can now process the ax repellent.

Install and fix the wedge.
Install and fix the wedge.

I want more interesting tools? Then read about ax, which copes with splintering wood on one-two in any, even the most difficult conditions.

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