I bought a Soviet automatic screwdriver, in oiled paper, for 160 rubles. Recharging-free

  • Dec 16, 2020

At the moment, not a single normal repairman can imagine his work without a tool that facilitates the tightening of self-tapping screws and screws. And just drilling holes in any material is not a hassle, having a simple but very useful tool "Screwdriver". Unlike a network tool, it has a huge advantage, the absence of a power cable, and increased mobility. Once I talked about such a screwdriver for 780 rubles with Li-ion battery. Link to this article at the end of this "epic".

"Shurik" from m-on "Traffic light"
"Shurik" from m-on "Traffic light"

Can you imagine that during the Soviet times there were already "Screwdrivers" and they did not require electricity. Such a device, apparatus, I found on the ruins of a hardware store and his name "Reversible screwdriver with replaceable inserts, type OP-1" Well, the name gave it a name... Briefly - manual screwdriver.

Instrument and instructions
Instrument and instructions
Instrument and instructions

If you are interested in the instruction, you can read it carefully.

This device was also equipped with special attachments for tightening screws and screws. Interestingly, they are made of "raw meat"? But we'll find out later.

instagram viewer

What kind of "miracle Yudo" is this, many of my age and younger will ask this question. This is a mechanism that converts reciprocating movements into rotational ones. That is, to tighten the screw, you do not need to turn it like a screwdriver. And you need to put pressure on him! And then the vertical force will go into horizontal rotation.

More details about his work can be found in the video.

What kind of ratchet does it have? Disassembled a little, leafing through the photos:

Apparently the mechanism has not been lubricated for a long time, it breathed new life into it. Indeed, after additional lubrication, the reversible screwdriver works better. In the last photo you can see the condition of the nozzle ...

I draw conclusions

The product itself did not please with the super quality of the USSR. Apparently they were already produced in Russia not on completely fresh machines and without the legendary control of "OTK".

About 30 years ago, if I had such a screwdriver, I would be happy. It would really make it easier to perform any installation operations. But at the moment, in the presence of electrified equipment, this device is not in demand. By the way, I went to the website of the manufacturer of this "screwdriver" and its price is indicated at 1000 rubles. Apparently I was very lucky once I bought it for 160 rubles!

An article about a traffic light screwdriver - here

Have you worked with such a screwdriver? If so, tell us how comfortable it is for them to work? In comments. Looking forward to your like on this article! Thank you.