Iodine and brilliant green will increase the crop of cucumbers and save from illnesses

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Many gardeners believe that the iodine and brilliant green will increase the harvest of cucumbers. A huge plus is the presence of drugs in any home medicine cabinet.

Growing cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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The use of iodine and green fodder for growing vegetables

Vacationers want to grow and eat clean vegetables and use as little as possible pesticides. They can replace the old folk remedies. Most of them are quite effective. The usual iodine and brilliant green to help you get a good harvest. Preparations great fight with some plant diseases.

Zelyonka has antiseptic properties, which are due to its content of copper. The facility can be used as a fertilizer, ie. A. In its composition are important trace elements. Copper compounds are ideal for marshy soil, in which there are almost none.

Zelenka reduces the risk of disease in cucumber. However, it does not make a green cucumber. To ensure full protection of vegetables, you need to use different solutions of copper. They are accessible and affordable. Bordeaux mixture, brilliant green and copper oxide are suitable for many crops. Means the test of time and are highly efficient.

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For all its usefulness or brilliant green, or iodine is not a panacea. They are unlikely to help if the cucumbers are not enough other trace elements. Periodically vegetables have an irregular shape. This may indicate a potassium deficiency in the soil. Sometimes, the reason lies in the lack of nitrogen. The taste of the changed appearance of the cucumber is not affected. If we want to get beautiful fruit should fertilize the soil with ash and infusion of mullein.

Soil fertilizer for cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Soil fertilizer for cucumbers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

How to treat plant diseases?

Sometimes spoiled cucumbers from root rot. There are 2 ways to protect vegetables. Solution water the plants after harvesting. For the prevention of the disease can be treated with early vegetables.

Instructions for combating root rot:

  • In a bucket of water is necessary to add 10 drops of green fodder.
  • Then, it is recommended to make a similar solution of iodine and water. It is also used for spraying.
  • Stems green paint smeared or iodine.
  • Treat the plant at a distance of 10 cm from the soil.
  • The selected agent is dissolved in water.
  • The ratio should be 1: 2.
  • Such a method is used, if vegetables grow vertically. After a couple of procedures putrefaction fungi perish.

Mildew is often called differently. Pepelitsa or Belle, is a dangerous fungal disease of plants. Cucumbers turn yellow and wither. Cucumbers and gooseberry mildew from treated hay decomposed. It is necessary to prepare a solution. It is considered completely harmless. Sen fill half the drum. Cover with water and infuse for 2-3 days. Then drain and irrigate the plants. The procedure is necessary to spend three times with an interval of 7 days.

Sprinkle cucumbers from pests. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Sprinkle cucumbers from pests. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

The yield increases markedly. You can collect the cucumbers until the beginning of autumn. From pepelitsy well to a solution of iodine or green fodder, discussed above. If necessary, the treatment may be repeated.

Peronosporosis strikes most vegetable crops. It is necessary to prepare a solution for processing. Its recipe is as follows: in a bucket of water taking 10 ml of a solution of brilliant green, 2 ml of whey and 40 g urea. Instead, the second component can take the milk.

1 season plants are irrigated three times. The first time the procedure is performed in the beginning of flowering, 2 subsequent processing do with a break of 1 week. Spraying is also suitable for bow.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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Read more: When and how to produce pasynkovanie cucumbers?