
Kitchen design 12 sq m (39 photos): DIY interior decorating instructions, project options, video, price, photo

Kitchen design 12 sq m (39 photos): DIY interior decorating instructions, project options, video, price, photo

Content1 Where to begin1.1 Determining the style1.2 Determining the budget1.3 The play of color a...

Studio kitchen (53 photos): video instructions on how to do it yourself, features of planning, repair, projects, price, photo

Studio kitchen (53 photos): video instructions on how to do it yourself, features of planning, repair, projects, price, photo

Content1 Positive and negative aspects of the issue2 The most popular zoning methods2.1 Racks, pa...

Kitchen project in Khrushchev (42 photos): DIY video instructions for installation, price, photo

Kitchen project in Khrushchev (42 photos): DIY video instructions for installation, price, photo

Content1 And what we have left1.1 Let's start designing1.2 Let's go through the points1.3 A few p...

Mini-kitchens with a bar counter (42 photos): how to do it yourself, instructions, photo and video tutorials

Mini-kitchens with a bar counter (42 photos): how to do it yourself, instructions, photo and video tutorials

Content1 Bar counter in the mini kitchen1.1 Variants2 Types of bar counters for small kitchens2.1...

Chalet style kitchen (45 photos) - original and exquisite

Chalet style kitchen (45 photos) - original and exquisite

Content1 Chalet style features1.1 Walls, floor and ceiling1.2 Furniture and other accessories1.3 ...

Kitchen in the English style (36 photos)

Kitchen in the English style (36 photos)

Content1 Style features2 Interior design2.1 How to plan2.2 Kitchen furniture2.3 Appliances2.4 Fin...

Kitchen 3 by 3

Kitchen 3 by 3

Content1 Color solution1.1 Tips for choosing colors2 Lighting2.1 Designer options3 Interior3.1 Pr...

White-purple kitchen (42 photos), do-it-yourself design: instructions, photo and video tutorials, price

White-purple kitchen (42 photos), do-it-yourself design: instructions, photo and video tutorials, price

Content1 Features purple2 What shade to choose2.1 Furniture selection2.2 Wall decoration3 Conclus...

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