A wonderful idea from an ordinary glass

  • Dec 17, 2020

Hello dear friends and guests of the channel!

Today I want to show you what a cool craft from a glass we made a few years ago. We have already made a craft from a glass, which many readers liked (I will leave a link to it at the end of the article).

For manufacturing we used:

· Wine glass;

· Acrylic paint, white;

· PVA glue;

· A piece of sponge, brush, toothpick;

· Eggshell;

· Decoupage napkin;

· Acrylic lacquer.

Before working with the shell, you need to properly prepare it, how to do it look here.

Step 1.

Cover the wine glass with acrylic paint using a sponge. This will be the primer that will hold the glue better.

Leave the paint to dry for 2 hours. If after the first time the glass is badly stained, you should repeat the procedure.

Step 2.

We put PVA glue on a glass on a small area and begin to glue the eggshell. It is convenient to correct the shells with a toothpick.

So we glue the entire glass over and leave to dry for 1-2 hours.

Step 3.

Then, with diluted glue with water 50 to 50, cover the shell right on top again. Leave to dry for several hours.

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Step 4.

We paint the shell with acrylic paint 2 times.

Sometimes, when the shell is dark, you have to paint it 3 times, but this rarely happens, usually two layers are enough.

Step 5.

We take a decoupage napkin with a small pattern and pull out the necessary fragments with our hands. Due to the torn edges, there will be no visible transitions after gluing.

We glue the fragments to the glass. We glue on PVA diluted with water.

While the glue is not dry, press the fragments of the napkin with a cloth.

Step 6.

After the glue has dried well, cover it with acrylic varnish for 2 times using a soft brush. Apply varnish in one direction.

Here we have such a wonderful candlestick. You can pour fine sand or salt inside and put a candle.

As promised, I give a link to "The idea of ​​crafts from a glass"

And also see what interesting and useful crafts we have done:

Plain cardboard and burlap turned into a chic and useful thing for the kitchen

I had a couple of pieces of plastic pipes lying around and made a cool garden decor out of them.

You can make a useful thing for the house out of a cake box

Friends, if you were interested, please share this article on social networks and like it.

Thank you very much for your attention!