How often housewives diagnose that they cannot be washed with a particular household utensil and send their favorite item to the trash bin. But the situation is not always really hopeless. The material will tell you about 5 things that can actually be laundered, you just need to know how.
1. Teapots
If the kettle is constantly on the stove during the endless daily cooking in pans, then it inevitably becomes covered with soot and grease. Sometimes this dirt is literally impossible to wash off. They begin to use abrasive household chemicals and abrasive sponges and brushes, as a result of which a leak is most often formed in the area of the lower adhesion of the kettle near the bottom. And the kettle goes to the trash can. To prevent this from happening, and the kettle shines like new, you need to place the kettle filled with water in a large container and pour boiling water with citric acid dissolved in it. The ratio is 15 grams of acid per 1-2 liters of boiling water. We forget for a few hours. At the end of this time, we take out a shining kettle that looks like new.
2. Glass trays
Forgive us the repetition, but for dirty glass baking trays (which are very expensive!) The same advice will work as for teapots. Place the baking sheet in a large container and pour boiling water with dissolved citric acid. But the baking sheets are usually very large, there is rarely a huge container in the house that would withstand several hours with boiling water (not a plastic basin). But there is still a solution. You can use a sink with a plug inserted. Or even a bathroom - just do not regret preparing boiling water that will cover the entire baking sheet. You will need more acid, but a high-quality baking sheet will be saved. Acid costs a penny, but a good glass baking sheet is very expensive.
3. Silver jewelry
Very often, silver jewelry of even the highest standard is sent to a penny buyout or a trash can after, for example, a vacation at sea. Silver turns completely black from oxidation and salts (as in the photo above). But there is a solution. Even a few solutions. The first is to leave the jewelry in ammonia for a day. Should help. If that doesn't work, find a musical instrument store and get goyi paste. Rub a simple handkerchief with green paste, wipe the jewelry, then leave the jewelry overnight in a solution of any hair shampoo.
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4. Vintage figurines
Goi paste is also suitable for figurines. But if the pollution isn't too severe, a paste made from water and baking soda or water and toothpaste will work. You need to make a paste, apply generously with an old toothbrush on the figurine, you can even forget for a couple of days. And then dip the figurines in boiling water. Wait a couple of hours. Wipe clean. The figurine shines like new!
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5. Mop Heads
There is a sad arithmetic: the better the mop head draws in dust, the more dirty it gets. And it fails. Recently, housewives began to note that microfiber nozzles with antennae, very fashionable 5 years ago, after cleaning the floors, give light water, while terry nozzles give really black water. But they also deteriorate faster. However, do not rush to throw away the attachment. If it has taken a lot of dirt, then simply rinsing it in running hot water and soap will not help wash it off. The attachment just needs to be fully machine washed at a temperature of 40-50 degrees with a bleaching powder. That's all!
Rescue theme on Novate. Ru will organically continue the material How to save an orchid if it has lost all roots from overflow and cooling.
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