What is the significance of the colors in which the garnets are painted

  • Jan 03, 2021
What is the significance of the colors in which the garnets are painted
What is the significance of the colors in which the garnets are painted

Not everyone knows that grenades used to throw and defeat enemy personnel are painted in different colors. Why is this done? Does the whole question really come down to just what kind of paint was at hand in production. It's actually not that simple. Pomegranates are painted in different colors for a reason. It is all the more interesting that in the cinema, by the color of the pomegranates used, one can distinguish a good consultant for staging combat scenes from a not very good one.

Painted in different colors. / Photo: allzip.org.
Painted in different colors. / Photo: allzip.org.

In the vast majority of cases, grenades are painted in camouflage colors depending on those latitudes where they are most likely to be used. In the case of Europe and the former Soviet Union, it is (usually) green and its shades. This is done so that the grenade merges as much as possible with the environment and the form of the fighter. This is useful in order not to unmask the soldier, as well as in order not to give out the place where the trap is installed.

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Training grenade. / Photo: war-time.ru.

A separate family is black-painted pomegranates. In the vast majority of cases, in the vastness of the republics of the former USSR, training grenades are covered with black paint. In some cases, white stripes or white crosses are also applied to such a grenade on one or both sides. All this is done so that the training charge is quickly and easily identified by fighters, instructors and quartermasters.

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Everything is done for a reason. / Photo: yandex.by.

Black-painted grenades are fully consistent in their dimensions and weight, as well as the external structure of combat grenades. In some cases, they also install a training detonator with a simulated fuse (it releases a cloud of smoke at the moment when a real grenade should have exploded). In this case, the imitation fuse is marked with pink or crimson paint.

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Most often they are painted green. / Photo: allzip.org.

It is noteworthy that in some TV series and action films with not very good military consultants (or not very responsible props masters) forget to repaint black grenades-dummies to match the color combat.

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