Growing potatoes in straw

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Good harvest of vegetable and fruit crops can be obtained without digging. Deep loosening of the upper soil layers have a negative effect on the quality and composition. And the farm work at the same time take a long time. In recent years, popular among gardeners becomes potato cultivation in the straw. This method helps to effortlessly get a great result.

Growing potatoes in straw. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing potatoes in straw. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Original article and many other materials can be found on our website.


Straw relate to environment-friendly products. During unfolding it fills the soil with nutrients. 1 part straw successfully replaces 5 parts cow dung. It is used not only for the cultivation of potatoes. Strawberry strawberry bushes and also placed in a straw layer. This litter not only improves the taste of berries, but also prevents them from rotting, t. To. Do not allow contact with soil.

Straw recommended for alkaline or neutral soils. This substance by decomposition gives slightly reaction, however is not suitable for use on other soils. Before using mulch is recommended to mix a small amount of manure or nitrophosphate to provide tubers food supplements.

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On neutral ground, you can add a small amount of compost. It is characterized by a neutral reaction. And sour and heavy clay soils should be mixed hay and straw with a small amount of wood ash.

When growing potato tubers by this method is not buried in the ground, and just sprinkle on top of a thick layer of straw, grass clippings and fallen leaves in autumn. These beds do not require hoeing, weeding and hilling. They do not touch until the autumn, when it comes time to harvest. The optimum thickness of the mound of straw - 30-40 cm. Tubers to sprout quickly and are not turned green, you can sprinkle them with a thin layer of soil, and then put the straw.

The potato harvest. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
The potato harvest. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

This method of planting is suitable for the cultivation of early new potatoes. To do this, the tubers before being placed under the straw need to germinate. Carry out the procedure recommended two weeks before planting in the beds.

If the straw and hay enough, you can reduce the consumption of material, having landed the tubers in a shallow hole, slightly covering the ground, and only top pour a covering layer. So the mulch will need much less.

With this method of cultivation is no need not only for weeding and hilling, but in watering. Even in drought crops do not require additional moisture, ie. K. A thick layer acts as a straw mulch. Mound perfectly absorbs moisture during the rainy season, and even when the dew. Then the water gets into the soil, where the root provides hydration potatoes system.

there is practically no evaporation of the liquid from the surface of such beds. Straw layer obscures the soil and maintains the optimal level of humidity inside the soil.

Excess heat into the interior of the beds, too, does not fit. Under the layer formed mulch optimum microclimate for tuber formation and maturation.

Do not be scared if the shoots in this mode will be landing later than the vegetables placed in the ground. Such a delay is considered normal.

In do not have to dig the harvest anything. It is enough to discard a layer of mulch and collect clean tubers. They will be no visible damage and rotten patches on the surface. The taste of vegetables grown under straw, will be much better than the usual potatoes.

This method not only makes it possible to easily grow a good crop, but also improves the structure of soil. A particularly useful application of the method is on loam and clay soils.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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