How to get rid of annoying everyday problems atypical means that everyone has a home

  • Dec 24, 2019

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 Unexplored possibilities of everyday objects. / Photo:
Unexplored possibilities of everyday objects. / Photo:

Probably most of us have heard that crushed aspirin is an excellent cleaner. Moreover, many housewives have successfully used this way. But, in addition to aspirin in the house there is still a lot of substances, such as cinnamon, vinegar, used tea bags, which you can find another use. Inexperienced person it is difficult to imagine. We tell and show.

What do the cinnamon, aluminum foil, zippers and baby oil? These seemingly simple objects can solve many everyday problems. And we are not talking about their standard use. Learn 9 unusual ways, as the triple benefit from common household items.

1. Coffee grounds

Sometimes it is helpful to wash your hands coffee grounds. / Photo:
Sometimes it is helpful to wash your hands coffee grounds. / Photo:

Even used coffee grounds has a distinct flavor. It unnecessary or ground coffee can be used to remove unpleasant odors. Use this simple tool to restore normal state hands after handling the fish, chopping onions or garlic. Coffee grounds are also useful in the refrigerator. Placing it in a plastic container with holes or other container, you can get rid of unnecessary odors within a few hours.

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2. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is good not only for the delicious pastries, but also to deal with these annoying colleagues. / Photo:
Cinnamon is good not only for the delicious pastries, but also to deal with these annoying colleagues. / Photo:

At home or at the cottage suddenly appeared ants? To get rid of them, do not need to rush to the store for an expensive tool. It is enough to sprinkle cinnamon where they host, and its spicy smell quickly disperse all the unwanted guests.

3. Aluminium foil

Simple and time-tested method. / Photo:
Simple and time-tested method. / Photo:

Useful life hacking for those who do not know how to sharpen scissors. If they are blunt at the wrong time, there is a simple solution. It is necessary to lay down the aluminum foil in several layers and cut with scissors. Within a few notches will become much sharper blade.

4. White wine or cider vinegar

Vinegar has already 6 unusual applications. / Photo:
Vinegar has already 6 unusual applications. / Photo:

Apple cider or wine vinegar - a real gift for your home. It can help you quickly eliminate any unpleasant smell. Simply place a glass or a bowl of vinegar in a room that has been painted, and in an hour you can forget about the headache. Remove the smell of fish, onions and garlic vinegar - a piece of cake. Use it to clean the cutting board or to tidy hand. To remove plaque from hard water or soap on the chrome finish, you need to put them on the cloth, which is on top of a fully pour vinegar. Such impromptu lotion need to keep for 5 minutes, then rinse all the water.

Vinegar also helps to quickly clean the chrome. Add shine you can not only kitchen sink or faucet.

Vinegar will make your curls and chic. To do this, you need to rinse just washed her hair with a solution of one tablespoon of vinegar diluted in a glass of water. Pure vinegar will help to escape from itching after insect bites. A piece of cloth soaked in them must be applied to the affected skin.

And vinegar helps get crisp on the bread, too, is extremely simple: you just have to grease the upper part of the home loaf before baking.

5. Aspirin

Aspirin - the best weapon in the fight against stains and mosquitoes. / Photo:
Aspirin - the best weapon in the fight against stains and mosquitoes. / Photo:

Even from the corrosive stains from sweat can be removed in a jiffy. Suffice it to separate the two ground aspirin in 100 ml of warm water. In the resulting composition to hold soiled clothes for two or three hours.

It was like this. / Photo:
It was like this. / Photo:
But it will be like new. / Photo:
But it will be like new. / Photo:

No less useful version of the application of the usual aspirin: the struggle with itching. Crushed tablets are diluted with a little water and are on the bite of a mosquito - is acting in a matter of minutes!

6. Makeup brushes

In the arsenal of every girl of great variety. And to replace the one always comes another. But what to do with the old brush for makeup? Throw is not recommended. It is better to attach it to the detachment tool for cleaning. makeup brush is ideal for cleaning hard to reach places, for example, between the keys on the keyboard.

7. teabags

The used tea bags have a use for this mass. / Photo:
The used tea bags have a use for this mass. / Photo:

Even the used tea bags is not necessary to send in the trash. They may very well be useful as an air freshener. To do this you need to put a few pieces in any jar, which is then put in the refrigerator or the bathroom. Now you can enjoy a pleasant scent - all bags will absorb odors. A similar task is performed by charcoal. With it easy to keep fresh and purified air in the refrigerator and in the car.

Incredibly, tea bags and rescue in the treatment of sudden-onset warts. In tea leaves contains tannic acid which effectively treats skin trouble. To quickly get rid of warts, it takes three times a day to put her warm tea bag for 15 minutes. And used tea leaves - this is an excellent organic fertilizer for your houseplants.

8. Baby oil and wet wipes

Stainless steel sink shiny look lost? Take the baby oil and correct this unfortunate mistake. Just a few drops on a soft, clean cloth will help wipe away any stains on plumbing fixtures and kitchen appliances. But baby wipes will be an excellent alternative to a special tool for cleaning electronic devices.

Continuing the theme - 19 brilliant household tricks that make life much easier.

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