With the beginning of autumn, a large number of fallen leaves are formed in the gardens and in the garden. They do not have to be collected and disposed of right away, as they can be quite useful.
Fallen leaves can be an excellent organic soil fertilizer. But, if they have completely covered the lawn grass or flower beds, they will have to be removed, since the dense layer will block the plants' access to light and air.
Send to compost heap
Fallen and shredded foliage can be safely sent to the compost heap. If earlier green plants were piled on a pile, then this will only improve future organic fertilization.
Make leafy soil for indoor plants
Dry leaves can be collected and folded into plastic bags by adding fresh grass and weeds without seeds or roots. The contents of the bag must be mixed regularly. When the grass and leaves have gone through the decomposition process, it will be an excellent substrate for indoor flowers, since the leafy soil is light, friable, and slightly acidic.
Make mulch
Collected fallen leaves are often used by many gardeners as mulch. It can be laid out in flower beds and flower beds. Leaf mulch will help prevent minerals from leaching out of the soil. And in the spring it will need to be collected with a rake and either sent to a compost heap, or simply dug up in the beds.
Create fabulous garden path décor
In gardens, fallen leaves, neatly folded on the paths, look quite natural and attractive. Such a garden will look like a fairytale. Since it will be covered with orange, red and yellow leaves. They do not need to be removed until they begin to blacken.
Dry leaf cover material
Also, dry leaves can serve as a good covering material for roses, hydrangeas and other perennial thermophilic plants. They can also be used as mulch when growing flowers in containers. It is best to cover bulbous plants with mulch so that they bloom ahead of time.
Leaves for arranging warm beds
In the presence of warm beds in the garden, fallen leaves will help to get an early harvest if it is poured into previously dug trenches. Then the dug soil must be left until the warm season near warm beds. It is recommended to put the chopped grass on the leaves in the trenches and water it well with water. In the spring, it will be enough to simply fill the trenches with prepared soil and cover the warm beds with non-woven material.
To create soil for the construction of high beds
Leaves still fallen in autumn can be used as filling in tall beds. With the onset of heat, rotted leaves will not only become an excellent organic fertilizer for future plants, but will also create additional warmth and favorable conditions for the growth of planted crops.
As a fertilizer for lawn grass
In good sunny and dry weather, it is recommended to walk the lawn without a basket on the lawn, and then cover it with chopped fallen leaves. This will significantly improve the structure of the soil.
Make a house for hedgehogs
Collect the fallen leaves and arrange them in small piles by the fences, in the secluded corners of the garden, near the tree trunks. Hedgehogs like to spend the winter in such heaps.
For interior decoration
If you choose the most beautiful specimens from the fallen leaves, you can make interesting combinations for decor, such as autumn wreaths, bouquets. Autumn decorations will fit perfectly into any interior design. And they also create various children's crafts from colorful multi-colored leaves.
As you can see from all of the above, fallen leaves can be used in different ways and it is not at all necessary to dispose of them.
Read also: How to say goodbye to ants in the garden
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