A pinch of salt in the shampoo: a secret that does not hurt to know a girl to take care of hair beauty

  • Dec 24, 2019
 A little Epsom salts, and their own super-shampoo will appear in the home arsenal. / Photo: img.anews.com.
A little Epsom salts, and their own super-shampoo will appear in the home arsenal. / Photo: img.anews.com

Epsom salt, also known as Epsom salt - quite a popular product in the field of medicine and public health. They say that it differs incredible cleansing and healing properties and is a natural solution to many problems of an organism. All this sounds great, but does not explain why add salt shampoo. Editorial novate.ru site already knows the secret to reveal that you can read the article.

1. Shampoo and salt

The Council, which is definitely worth a try in order to stop losing hair. / Photo: kabani.com.ua.
The Council, which is definitely worth a try in order to stop losing hair. / Photo: kabani.com.ua

If deal with the technical point of view, epsom salt - is not even salt, and a mineral that contains a combination of various sulphates sulfuric acid and magnesium. Scientists and physicians who study the beneficial properties of Epsom salt, is recommended to add a little of this substance in your bottle of shampoo and wash your hair as needed. Adding salt may even shampoo for everyday use. Positive changes can be seen after the first couple pomyvok. And all thanks to the fact that salt shampoo nourishes minerals and components that provide the hair incredibly beautiful appearance, health and shine. Buy Epsom salt at any pharmacy.

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2. "Two in one" mode is enabled

Why not use the beneficial properties of salt to the fullest? / Photo: tvoivolosy.com.
Why not use the beneficial properties of salt to the fullest? / Photo: tvoivolosy.com

Epsom salt can be upgraded not only shampoo, but also for hair conditioner. In a saucepan for cooking you need to pour a little conditioner, spreading it evenly. Then it is necessary to add a handful of Epsom salts, and then begin to warm over low heat. After 10 minutes, the mixture should be allowed to cool slightly.

In the warm state of air conditioning, mixed with salt, must be applied to the entire length of the roots and dry hair and gently massage the hands. After that, we leave the conditioner on the hair and give soak for a few minutes. After expiration of the required time and the salt is washed off conditioner warm water. Numerous tests empirically proved that this method works great against split ends and improves the hair volume.

Epsom salt has many incredible qualities, so it does not hurt to keep in any home medicine cabinet. / Photo: remedioscaserostop.com.
Epsom salt has many incredible qualities, so it does not hurt to keep in any home medicine cabinet. / Photo: remedioscaserostop.com

Interesting information from Novate.ru: Epsom salt - a substance which is good for the body in multiple applications. It is often prescribed for people with magnesium deficiency. Salt is also frequently added to the bath for the feet to relieve fatigue and stress after a hard day. Some people do not neglect the bath with Epsom salts diluted, thus relaxing the muscles and the body healthy cells and the entire organism. Salt is useful even for the face. It can be used in a wonderful homemade scrub. To create the need to mix a little Epsom salts with liquid soap or a day cream and then gently rub this mixture into the face in circular motions. After the procedure to wash the face with warm water should be. Thanks to scrub the dead skin particles are gently removed and the epidermal moisture content is at an optimum level.

However, Epsom salt - is not the only miracle cure that can improve the condition of hair. To feel like a man of royal blood, is worth trying a few more tips for health, volume and shine to the hair.

3. Hair Mask

At home, you can easily prepare an effective hair mask. / Photo: cancerbackup.orgReklama.
At home, you can easily prepare an effective hair mask. / Photo: cancerbackup.orgReklama

Once or twice a week, any hair requires a good mask. It is useful for feeding, hydration, healthy tradition shiny appearance. At home, you can prepare an excellent anti-oxidant mask, which will include a combination of different berries. With it you can make your hair voluminous and shiny at the same time. To facilitate stacking and make the hair more manageable and smooth, you can try to test a homemade mask with proteins, which will include a raw egg and avocado.

4. Beer does not need to drink

Husband likes to drink beer, and his wife use intoxicating drink for the beauty of hair. / Photo: inbus.ua.
Husband likes to drink beer, and his wife use intoxicating drink for the beauty of hair. / Photo: inbus.ua

The fact that the beer is good for hair nutrition - a fairly common and well-known life hacking. But many women still ignores its useful value in home hair care. However, you should try and make sure how quickly and efficiently the yeast strengthens the hair shaft, and the hops and malt nourish and stimulate it. To ensure the protection of hair from dandruff and dryness, can be added to the beer a little rosemary. This should be done in advance, for 15 minutes before washing the head to the grass time to give their useful properties of liquid.

5. Massage scalp

Head massage is a perfect complement to regular water procedures. / Photo: hidoctor.ir.
Head massage is a perfect complement to regular water procedures. / Photo: hidoctor.ir

Massage - this is not only pleasant but also very useful. The value of such remarkable procedure be overestimated: improvement of blood circulation, additional inflow of useful elements, cell renewal, strengthening and rehabilitation. Do head massage is recommended before or while washing the hair, performing circular movements across the skin in the area of ​​the roots. If you do this procedure regularly, then over time you will notice the hair become stronger, have less to fall, become more healthy and beautiful appearance.

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6. Shampoo can harm

Wash your hair is not recommended more often 2-3 times a week. / Photo: conteudo.imguol.com.br.
Wash your hair is not recommended more often 2-3 times a week. / Photo: conteudo.imguol.com.br

A sense of purity hair like everyone. That is why some people prefer to wash your hair every day. Sometimes it's really useful if the house bought by the appropriate shampoo and scalp has high fat content. However, if special reasons for frequent water procedures is not, it is better not to abuse the use of the shampoo, which can dry up the skin and wash the hair of natural oils trigger dandruff and hair lifeless and do dim.

7. Corn starch

Cornstarch is not only useful in the kitchen. / Photo: img.anews.com.
Cornstarch is not only useful in the kitchen. / Photo: img.anews.com

Cornstarch - one of the best home remedies when you need to quickly tidy up the hair that it is time to wash, but the time is not enough. This simple ingredient is able to quickly absorb the oil and sebum on the hair roots and make them clean and voluminous. Use it is necessary to dry and as often as needed. After use, you simply carefully comb hair comb thick.

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By the way, even an ordinary table salt is not nearly as simple as it might think. There are at least 17 non-trivial ways to use it outside the kitchen.
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