Especially sanitary garden pruning

  • Dec 24, 2019

Everyone should take care of the sanitary pruning garden. The range of activities includes cleaning the barrel of extra growths, shoots, removal of old patients branches. Consider all of these features in more detail.

Pruning shrubs. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Pruning shrubs. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Garden without sanitary pruning

If you do not pay attention to all activities related to sanitary cutting, the garden will look like running. Shoots will acquire tree tops - stringent straight shoots that grow up and pulling out of the soil moisture and valuable substances. In this case, they can bend and hold to give them a horizontal position or a drink.

Objectives sanitary pruning

Sanitary pruning exposed as fruit trees, and ornamental rocks and berry bushes. With extreme caution should be carried out pruning raspberries remontant. The thing is that in the first year it releases an escape, and on the second it begin to form fruit. If you cut the last, to get the crop will fail.

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Sanitary pruning of apple trees in the fall. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Sanitary pruning of apple trees in the fall. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

If you spend cleaning by all the rules, you can transform a garden and make it more aesthetically pleasing. The instruments need secateurs or garden saw. In addition, the need to garden Var, alcohol, paint garden and a piece of old cloth.

Once a saw cut over, can be applied on the ring one of garden tools. After processing each tree tools you need to be sure to wipe with alcohol to prevent contamination of plants.

Important! At the time of work in his garden, shoots "in the ring" without hemp. Removal of shoots of 2-3 cm thickness using secateurs, larger specimens cut away by a garden saw. If you want to eliminate old or unhealthy branch, first remove it from all the knots, and then trim the bottom, then the top. Thus it is exactly break and eliminate the formation of painful teaser on the bark, which can be a long time to heal.

Pros autumn sanitary pruning of trees and shrubs

The advantages of garden pruning lot. You can use it to get rid of damaged and old shoots, as well as those that grow in the middle of the crown. The procedure will improve the plant growth and development, and will extend their youth. Ruthlessly delete your old shoots, twigs and branches. Despite the fact that they are large, they are in any case have to be removed, because they often grow back deep into the crown and solidified landing. As a rule, such a phenomenon characteristic of currant bush.

Ruthlessly delete your old shoots. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Ruthlessly delete your old shoots. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Proper attention to the ordinary raspberries: sprouts that have already otplodonosivshie, should be cut at the base.

Regardless of what you cut - a bush or tree, you need to cut to the ring all the shoots that otplodonosivshie. In currant they will be black. In addition, remove the extra twisted shoots and those on which there is evidence of disease and signs of pest activity. Mechanically damaged branches also be handled. Thus you will be able to strengthen the immune system of plants.

Dates of the sanitary pruning

In the south of the country to resort to high-quality procleaning recommend at the end of November, in the central regions - in the beginning of November, in the north of Russia - in October.

In the south of the country to resort to high-quality procleaning recommend at the end of November. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
In the south of the country to resort to high-quality procleaning recommend at the end of November. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Well, if by the time of the plant discharge procedures most of the leaf blades. Proceed to the elimination of the old branches and sprouts need at a time when the air temperature is a maximum of 5 degrees below zero. If you ignore this advice and get to work in extreme cold, plant tissue, which at this point already chilled, may be thinned, whereby they will break off and inflict damage bush or tree.

Sanitary pruning garden

If you are still not familiar with the basic rules of the garden pruning, it is time to consider them in more detail.

First of all you should take up the elimination of all withered shoots. In this case, cleaning should be carried out so that a few centimeters have been affected by the healthy tissue (if any). In the absence thereof cut out to have a base, and then applied to the cut yard var.

Then you should pay attention to cutting out shoots that could not withstand the extreme cold, they are seen frost-crack. You need to completely cut out the diseased tissue of the skeletal base and young shoots grow back shoots. All this will help to restore the conductive escape system and enhance the growth of high-grade portions of the tree or shrub. All the shoots that grow deep into the crown necessarily need to be removed. They not only thicken the crown, but also reduce the effectiveness of pesticides, which are processed by the plant. If left untouched the middle of the crown is weakened and becomes a breeding ground for infectious diseases.

First eliminate the withered shoots. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
First eliminate the withered shoots. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Reduce the intensity of flowering, slow down the process of fruit ripening, the plant will be subject to attacks of pests and various ills.

Then receives disposer vertical shoots. You can also bend them 90 degrees. Shoots located at too acute angles, tie to the trunk or cut off. If you do not, on the bark of any long-healing wounds. All shoots with symptoms of pests and disease activity it is necessary to cut off and disposed of by burning them off-site. Thus you will save from infecting healthy plants growing in your garden.

Shoots competitors, especially those with strong wind rub against each other, must be cut. Leave only a thick well-developed escape. A second cut out on the ring.

What about the broken shoots? Of course, they also have to be cut. No matter which resulted in damage to the wind or disease in any case, they have no place on a healthy plant.

If you run out of the garden Var, you can cover up the cut garden paint. Older shoots that do not bear fruit for a long time, cut to the ring and find them a young, growing close in the same direction.

Sanitary pruning shrubs

This crop is virtually no different from the one that is carried out with shrubs.

Sanitary pruning gooseberry. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Sanitary pruning gooseberry. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

If you grow red or black currants, remove any malformed shoots from aphids and those on which you'll find swollen kidneys. The presence of the latter said that they were smitten bud mite or they were double shoots, which are considered a sign of a viral disease. The optimal time for the procedure - October.

As for the raspberry ordinary, then you need to cut all the shoots that have served her, as well as those that are broken or too thicken landing. Tamper with the bushes recommended in October-November.

When it comes to Kalina, you must reduce the growth of the tree. To do this, select the shoots that grow from the bottom, but looking up. Those that are on the top, cut the end at the bottom, because the harvest over time will be difficult. thinning period is in November.

The same applies to sea buckthorn. Some high-shoots can be removed, leaving room for the young, growing from below. Sea buckthorn is recommended to spend time in October.

Shear irgu possible every five years. Remove sprouts need at his belt. After that, she will release a new branch, with which it is convenient to gather the fruit. This should be done vosenyu, at any time.

It responds well to pruning a plant like chokeberry. If you remove the central conductor, shrubs begin to grow in width, so its branches will be able to collect a bountiful harvest without problems. Get to work in November.

Gooseberry also well perceive this procedure. Initially, you need to remove the shoots that creep along the ground. Pick berries from these branches is not recommended, because it can be infected with Phytophthora. Lift the bush, forming stem. Thus a branch with berries will not lie on the ground. Additionally, cut damaged and dry branches. This can be done at the end of October.

If you know how to properly prune cherry, you can not let her grow up. In addition to eliminating the broken and diseased shoots, every year you need to pay attention to cutting the center conductor, which activates the growth of the tree up and thus makes it difficult the process of gathering the harvest. Pay attention to these procedures in mid-autumn.

Such fine bush as honeysuckle, also needs sanitary pruning. His crown is thickened quickly become overgrown shoots. If each year to pay attention to this plant, we can not allow in the middle of its crown settled borer and wasps, which is why the yield is reduced. Pruning is held in October.

The recovery process also needs Loch multicolored aka gumi - berry bush, which is actively cultivated in Japan and China. plant ends often do not withstand freezing temperatures and freeze. Special attention is recommended to give the crown of the bush: to cut the damaged and dry shoots, remove competitors, try to make sure that the harvest was put on the entire surface of the crown, and not just one of its periphery. We need to carry out procedures in October.

In winter mulberry may freeze slightly, but after the end of the cold she is recovering and actively growing. Remove the dried ends of shoots, otherwise they will become a breeding ground for infectious diseases.

Moreover, mulberry quickly thickened, so during the trimming is necessary to delete the shortest of them that provoke escalating leaf mass and do not take part in the formation of fruit. Pruning is carried out in October.

Sanitary cleaning needed and rosehip. Removal of branches to be over the age of 5 years. If you ignore this rule, the plant will begin to thicken and soon he will roll up into a ball, which will cause lower yields and breeding of pests. Engage decimation in October.

Blueberry bushes can not boast of strong shoots. Engage their removal is necessary every year in October.

We hope that all the information has been helpful to you and you have mastered the simple rules of sanitary pruning of shrubs and trees.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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