An easy and quick way to whiten tile joints in the bathroom, which a finishing friend taught me

  • Nov 22, 2021

A finisher friend of mine decided to share with me some great ways to bleach tile joints in a bathroom or kitchen. Even if the best grout was used during construction, over time it begins to fade and lose its former shape. In some cases, it can fly off completely, which makes the room look unkempt. This article will describe the most effective whitening methods.

An easy and quick way to whiten tile joints in a bathroom, which a finishing friend taught me

What causes the grout to darken

The reasons can be very varied. Most often, darkening occurs due to insufficient ventilation and poor tile maintenance. Seams must be treated before using grout. Not everyone knows about this, so the sad consequences happen very quickly.

High humidity and high temperatures also do not benefit grouting. If the kitchen has tiles, but there is no hood, then all the fumes will settle on the walls of the material. Over time, it will become so much that the grout will not withstand and will begin to crack rapidly.

Useful folk advice

If there is a large amount of dirt in the joints between the tiles, then it is necessary to get rid of it as soon as possible. Black spots on the grout indicate the development of painful bacteria. They need to be treated with antiseptic agents so that the fungus does not begin to spread throughout the entire wall. It's time to move on to the tools themselves.

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1. Soda is an effective remedy for various misfortunes.

First you need to moisten the seams with plain water, and then apply soda to them. After a few minutes, you need to pick up a toothbrush and start brushing the affected areas with it. Sprinkle baking soda on the brush for best results. After completing the procedure, it remains to rinse the seams with running water.

2. Table vinegar along with baking soda.

A simple tool, but at the same time extremely effective. To create it, you need to take 50 grams of vinegar, 100 grams of baking soda, 7 cups of water and a small amount of lemon juice. All ingredients must be mixed together and lubricated between the tiles.

The product must be left on the tiles for 15 minutes and then gently brushed with a toothbrush. All pollution will disappear before our eyes. All that remains is to wash the tiles and wipe them off.

3. Using hydrogen peroxide.

The main advantage of this method is safety for human health. After processing, the seams do not even need to be washed additionally. Hydrogen peroxide competently stops the spread of mold and prevents it from multiplying.

To prepare the solution, you need to take water and hydrogen peroxide in a ratio of 2 to 1. Next, the mixture must be applied to the seams and left so until completely dry. After that, the mold will be completely defeated.

4. Mustard mix.

To prepare this tool, you need to do the following manipulations. You need to take 1 liter of water and put a tablespoon of mustard in it. It should be in powder form. After that add 100 gr. soda, juice from a lemon wedge and 5 gr. toothpaste.

This mass must be applied to a sponge and treated with it all the affected areas. After 30 minutes, the tiles will need to be rinsed under running water.

5. Ammonia and vinegar.

Take a glass of warm water and add a tablespoon of vinegar to it. As for ammonia, 10 ml is enough. The tool needs to moisten a sponge and rinse all seams. After the procedure, do not forget about washing the tiles with water.

Advice as a bonus!

I want to tell you about my own advice, which I am using. To complete it, you need to take a toothbrush and paste. With this tool I process the seams, and the dirt goes away right before our eyes. Try it too!

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