What to do if autumn unexpectedly came to your tomato seedlings: we understand the reasons for the untimely yellowing of the leaves

  • Jan 29, 2022
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When the leaves of plants turn yellow, this always causes excitement among gardeners, unless, of course, this is a natural vegetation process. This is especially true for seedlings of young tomatoes, in the cultivation of which a lot of work has been invested. Yesterday, full of greenery and strength, vegetable tops suddenly turned yellow today? Let's quickly find out what's going on! Sometimes timely measures taken help to correct the situation and save the crop.

Yellowing of leaves. The illustration for the article is used from the site eda-land.ru
Yellowing of leaves. The illustration for the article is used from the site eda-land.ru
Yellowing of leaves. The illustration for the article is used from the site eda-land.ru

Why do the leaves of the seedlings turn yellow?

This question can be answered by observing plants. There are several main reasons for changing the color of tomato tops. Here are the most common:

  • lack of trace elements;
  • lack or excess of moisture;
  • short daylight hours;
  • poor soil quality;
  • densely growing seedlings;
  • damage to bushes by pests or diseases.

The leaves may also turn yellow when transplanting tomatoes into open ground. In this case, keep a close eye on the plants. Perhaps this is the cost of adaptation, and the seedlings will soon normalize.

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How to avoid yellowing of haulm

If it is not possible to accurately determine the cause of the yellow leaves of the seedlings, clearly follow the plan:

The illustration for the article is used from the site rutube.ru
The illustration for the article is used from the site rutube.ru
  1. Check if the tomatoes have enough light. If the seedlings are stretching, the leaves are turning pale and yellow, move the bushes to a lighter window sill or provide additional light.
  2. Make sure you water your tomatoes properly. This vegetable crop loves abundant, but not frequent watering with warm, settled or melt water.
  3. Check the quality of the soil. If the soil is acidic, with poor breathability, then you will see a white coating on the surface. Feeding with limestone or dolomite flour will help neutralize acidity.
  4. The lack of trace elements can be judged by the appearance of plants. Small and pale green leaves will indicate the need for nitrogen. Yellow and twisted leaves will ask for potassium. With a lack of magnesium, the veins at the leaf plates will turn yellow, and the yellowing tips indicate a lack of manganese. Feed the tomatoes regularly, while avoiding an overabundance of fertilizers.
  5. If your seedlings grow too densely, then the leaves of young plants may also turn yellow. Immediately dive grown tomatoes into free containers.
  6. Tomato is a heat-loving plant with an increased requirement for air humidity. Pay attention to the temperature in the seedling room and create the necessary humidity for this southern culture.

What if it's a disease?

When planting seeds, be sure to sanitize the soil, disinfect the grains and treat the plant containers. If this is not done, then the probability of getting sick in seedlings increases several times. In addition to non-compliance with the conditions of sterility, care errors can also lead to health problems: excessive watering, dry air or lack of light.

Timely diagnosis

Detecting a disease in time is half the success in its treatment. If the tops of tomatoes turn yellow, then the plant may be affected:

  • black leg;
  • fusarium;
  • late blight.
Blackleg. The illustration for the article is used from the site otomatah.ru
Blackleg. The illustration for the article is used from the site otomatah.ru

Treat plants with chemical compounds at the first symptoms of diseases and optimize their growing conditions.

Helpful Hints

The best remedy for yellowing tomato leaves is prevention. Only by initially observing all agrotechnical requirements and tips for growing crops, many troubles can be avoided. Selection and processing of seeds, soil preparation, provision of moisture, heat and nutrition, hardening before transplanting into the ground - all these are necessary procedures for the cultivation of tomatoes.

Understanding the causes of yellowing of the leaves of tomato seedlings is not always easy. What could have provoked the disease, you can determine by observing your plants or using the elimination method.

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Read also: The first January plantings for seedlings - with which plants do I start the new summer season

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