5 Vodka Misconceptions You Should Stop Believing Long Ago

  • Mar 23, 2022
5 Vodka Misconceptions You Should Stop Believing Long Ago

Vodka is a strong, usually 40% alcoholic drink made from cereals. Until the 19th century, vodka was called "bread wine". The first mention of the drink dates back to the XIII century. Over the past centuries, a lot of myths and misconceptions have developed around vodka. It's time to talk about a few of the most popular of them. What is the time to stop believing?

Attention: Alcohol abuse causes irreparable harm to your health.

1. Vodka is very high in calories.

Snacks are high in calories. |Photo: ptzgovorit.ru.
Snacks are high in calories. |Photo: ptzgovorit.ru.

There are 231 calories in 100 grams of vodka. Foods that are used as snacks for vodka are usually 2.5, 3, and sometimes 5 times more caloric than vodka. However, if someone is worried about their excess weight in the context of alcohol, then it is worth noting that any alcohol causes the body without increased caloric content much more harm than the most "excessive" food.

2. Most people drink vodka in Russia

Vodka is drunk everywhere. |Photo: balkanrus.com.
Vodka is drunk everywhere. |Photo: balkanrus.com.
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Specifically, statistics are not made on vodka. In any case, at least somewhat accurate. The most commonly studied or the total alcohol consumption per capita. Or consumption of hard alcohol per capita. As for alcohol in general, one of the most drinking countries is Ireland, while Russia and most of its European neighbors are somewhere on par with Britain, France and Germany. As for strong alcohol, in 2020 Russia was in 8th place with 11.1 liters per person. On the first - Lithuania with 12.3 liters. The top ten was closed by Poland with 10.6 liters per capita.

3. Vodka does not deteriorate and does not weather

Vodka still goes bad. |Photo: alcofan.com.
Vodka still goes bad. |Photo: alcofan.com.

If you do not follow the storage rules, then vodka deteriorates not only quite easily, but also very quickly. Under no circumstances should vodka be kept in direct sunlight. Also, alcohol does not like too low and too high temperatures. It is not recommended to keep vodka in plastic containers. If you do not close the container with vodka with a lid, then the drink will gradually disappear (primarily alcohol), and after a while, oxidation processes will start in it. Spoiled vodka has a different color and smell, it may appear cloudy sediment. The strength of the drink is lost.

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4. Vodka doesn't freeze

It even freezes. | Photo: 4-pda.ru.
It even freezes. | Photo: 4-pda.ru.

One of the most popular misconceptions about a 40-degree drink. In fact, any alcoholic drink can freeze. The only difference is how low the temperature is required for this. With regard to vodka, somewhere around -25 degrees Celsius will most likely be enough. If vodka suddenly freezes at a lower temperature, then it is counterfeit and not 40 degrees strong. In other words, the drink contains a certain amount of unnecessary impurities.

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5. Vodka warms

Vodka is extremely dangerous in the cold. ¦Photo: YouTube.
Vodka is extremely dangerous in the cold. ¦Photo: YouTube.

Not just a myth, but an extremely dangerous delusion that can cost a person health and life. Immediately after use, a person really has a feeling of warming. However, “warmth” to a person does not really become, but due to the expansion of blood vessels and the acceleration of blood circulation. Very soon, the vessels will begin to shrink again, which in turn is fraught with frostbite, even not in the most severe frost. Drinking in the cold is strictly prohibited. In addition, it is highly recommended not to drink alcohol immediately after returning to a warm room from a hard frost.

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