How to plant a salad in the open ground seeds

  • Dec 24, 2019

Vegetables and greens - an essential foundation of a healthy diet. Dietary and therapeutic menu compulsorily includes such crops as lettuce. With its cultivation does not arise any difficulties, the main thing - it's strictly follow all the rules of landing. What are the optimum time for planting lettuce and what should be caring for them? About it and talk.

Growing lettuce. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing lettuce. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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planting dates lettuce seeds in open ground

Planting lettuce every two weeks may be carried out at their summer cottage during the warm season. The exact timing of sowing depends on the selected varieties. Lettuce varieties have different ripening periods: early-maturing, mid-season, late. Harvest can be 25-50 days after sowing.

Planting is recommended to carry out the work in the spring, after the period of night frosts. In the middle zone of planting is carried out in April and early May. If you focus on the lunar calendar, the plant should be planted only on arriving moon.

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Romaine lettuce cultivated seedling method. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Romaine lettuce cultivated seedling method. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

Sheet and Kocha varieties are grown seedling and seed method. The plant can be planted in the open soil, in a greenhouse, and the house in pots. The first method is ideal for regions with severe climatic conditions, and when the goal is to collect the early harvests.

In the spring there are sudden changes in temperature, and at night frosts are possible. Transplant seedlings in the garden can only be after the first frost when the risk rostochku will be reduced to zero.

The most popular varieties of lettuce for cultivation in the country

Varieties of lettuce are astonishingly varied. Do truckers with the experience already have their favorites, and those who have no experience in the cultivation of such crops must to stop the election on proven varieties.


Salad Passion. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Salad Passion. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

Excitement is characterized by middle-early ripening. The growing season is 64 days. Its leaves are immodest sizes, the edges of observed light tortuosity. leaf structure poluhrustyaschaya. salad bush can reach a height of 27 cm, the outlet diameter is 30-32 cm. of head weight of about 250 g Planted this variety is possible in April-May.

As soon as the first shoots, and there will be a formation of a first sheet, a bed you need to thin out. The distance between the shoots should be between 5-7 cm. After 14 days, the immature weak shoots removed. Between strong leaves should be left in the interval of 25-30 cm. The special features of varieties include positive perception of feeding and watering. Nevertheless abused watering is not recommended, because excess water can cause rotting of the root system.


Salad Dubrava. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Salad Dubrava. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
The vegetation period of 65-80 days. This kind of oily salad. Leaves of plants are yellow-green color and a corrugated surface. It has soft structure and excellent taste.

Among the advantages of varieties can be distinguished resistance to fungal disease such as gray mold and marginal necrosis. To plant variety can be the beginning of May, adhering to the scheme: 25x30 cm. Deepen the seeds need to be up to 2 cm. C 1 m2 can be assembled to 2-2.5 kg crop.


Iceberg lettuce. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Iceberg lettuce. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

Appears on its face, this variety is similar to white cabbage. During the formation of compacted leaves close to the ground, creating a ball. Iceberg lettuce leaves whitish color. Mass large fruits may reach up to 1 kg, modest instances weigh 300-600 g

The variety matures during 75-90 days. Plant endures downy mildew and does not go to the arrow. For Berg characterized by excellent taste properties. Shelf life plants is about 3 weeks.

Romain Gelbus

The plant is medium ripening. vegetation period is 90 days. The leaves are slightly elongated. Delicate foliage has a crunchy texture. Demand varieties due to its pleasant taste and juiciness.

This kind of salad does not tolerate drying out the soil. Lack of moisture causes that the plant starts to fade. The special features of the variety could be considered the constancy of the crop. C 1 m 2 can be assembled to 1-1.2 kg green.

What kind of soil the plant likes

Culture need to ensure the right conditions for growth. The plant thrive on fertilized soil with drainage, podkormlennoy nutrients. Can neutralize the acidity by mixing with lime or dolomite flour.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of landing sites. It is important that it is well lit and ventilated. Drafts are not allowed. To prevent rotting of the roots of the culture it is possible to land on the hill.
For planting of lettuce selected well ventilated and lighted place. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
For planting of lettuce selected well ventilated and lighted place. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

How to prepare a seedbed for planting

In the autumn the soil need to make humus in the spring, for 14-20 days before planting to re digging. After these works it is necessary to energize the mineral fertilizers (potassium salt, superphosphate).

If soil fertility is not different, it is recommended to energize perlite, organic fertilizers, wood ashes. You need to start training in the fall. Fertilization is carried out at the time of digging the soil. In the spring of land where planned planting of lettuce, it is necessary to process a mild solution of potassium permanganate or parboiled. Before sowing, the ground should be leveled, lumps crushed by a rake. Lettuce grows well on loose ground. If it is too tight, to facilitate his approach peat, river sand, humus.

Proper preparation of the seeds before planting

Before you plant the seeds, they are recommended to go through. Suitable for growing specimens with high sowing qualities. They should not be present traces of deformation and signs of disease. Small grains are also not suitable for sowing, since the shoots that sprout from them, obtained underdeveloped.

lettuce seeds. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
lettuce seeds. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

For the selection of healthy grains, you can use a solution of salt. You just have to pour the seed composition and leave for 15-20 minutes. Lifting up the seeds should be removed. For sowing the seeds can be used, down to the bottom. You then need to be drained and the seeds rinsed with clean water.

Once the seeds are dry, they should be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. The treatment lasts 15 minutes.

Planting material compulsorily tested for germination. Seeds need to roll up in a damp cloth. If after two days they hatch, it will say that it's time to plant them in the ground. To accelerate the growth of lettuce, seeds should be soaked in a special facility. Popular stimulants:

  • Ideal (1h. l. 1 liter of water);
  • Appin (2 drops per 100 ml), and so forth.
Soak the seeds in Epinay will help accelerate the growth of lettuce. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources
Soak the seeds in Epinay will help accelerate the growth of lettuce. Illustration for this article is taken from public sources

For whatever scheme it is possible to sow the seeds

What landing prefer circuit depends on the characteristics of the variety. If the site has a small size and it is planted with other crops, lettuce may be sown between the rows, along the fence, between the beds. 2-3 days before planting the soil watered with plenty of water, after which the land is friable.

Formation of the beds is carried loose one way and poryadovkoy. When scheduled transfer of seedlings on an exposed portion or in the greenhouse, should adhere to the interval of which indicated in the scheme. When sowing seed spacing will be a maximum of 3 cm.

In the circuit, which is designed for low-growing of lettuce, it is indicated that the interval between the bushes should be equal to at least 20 cm. For tall varieties distance is 25-30 cm. In greenhouse organize the wells, maintaining a gap of 10-15 cm. Seeds deep into the soil at 1-2 cm. Conduct re transplant plants is unacceptable.

Growing lettuce - a simple process, which can cope with even the inexperienced grower. If you follow the rules of agricultural technology, be able to collect a generous lettuce crop. Eating a few leaves of this plant, it is possible to saturate the body valuable substances, improve health status (normalize pressure eliminate heartburn, strengthen the immune system and so forth.)

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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