Even without specialized knowledge, it is easy to figure out that the floors in the bath are the most vulnerable place, which may well require an early repair if you do not pay enough attention to prevention. The reason lies in simple physics, cold air is heavier than hot air, and therefore settles, provokes condensation, which is detrimental to wood.
It is impossible to avoid this phenomenon, because, as you know, you cannot argue against physics. However, it is quite possible to try to minimize the damage from moisture condensation, to slow down the processes of wood damage. The methods are quite simple, while being as effective as possible, even the simplest plank floors, if followed, will last 20, 30, or even more years!
I want to say right away that the floors in the bath are threatened not only by rot, but also by accumulations of mold for which a humid microclimate is a real paradise.
Painting and even varnishing in such a situation is not a panacea, moreover, often the effect becomes the exact opposite. expected, the tree absorbs water, but it no longer finds a way out, degenerative processes proceed very fast.
A much more effective technique is the use of technological impregnations, however, in the context of a bath, impregnation alone is not enough.
Modern Method
Let us turn to the achievements of the chemical industry. The antiseptic composition Neomid 200 (NOT ADVERTISING!), Designed specifically for rooms with a very humid microclimate, which, of course, include baths, Russian, Finnish and others. You can buy an antiseptic in the format of a concentrated solution, one bottle is enough to make 20 liters of an effective composition.
The main negative point is a pronounced smell, which can hardly be called pleasant. Of course, in a diluted form, it does not smell so strong, however, it will definitely not work to ignore it. However, this feature is compensated by high efficiency.
The fungus won't go away! But the characteristic aroma of natural wood, unfortunately, will also not remain.
Processing leads to a slight darkening of the original shade. Manufacturers claim that the composition is not dangerous for health, there are no toxic components, more In addition, the basis is biocides, which are used, for example, in a number of drugs and cosmetics.
Practice clearly demonstrates that it is enough to impregnate the boards once every 2 years to cope with the destruction of the material.
The wisdom of the people
In the process of a careful examination of the bath, you can see that the foci of decay begin to develop precisely on the boards, and not on the logs. This was once noticed by my grandfather, who developed his own scheme for laying floors.
If you describe it as simply as possible, then pre-treatment of the boards is required, thanks to which water will quickly drain from them, and not collect in puddles, soak into the structure.
It is possible to ensure quick removal of excess moisture by forming slopes on both sides of each board, as well as leaving centimeter gaps between them. Water, as you know, follows the path of least resistance, and these gaps will become this route for it.
Yes, the method requires some carpentry skills, however, it allows you to get rid of antiseptic treatment and guarantees a huge service life of 30-40 years, or even more!
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