10 outdated things in the apartment that urgently need to be replaced

  • Aug 28, 2022
10 outdated things in the apartment that urgently need to be replaced

Some people follow fashion trends in the interior world and try to update their home more often so that it matches modern trends. And others are more conservative - they do not want to change their usual way of life. Novate.ru tells what things you should not hold on to, because they have already outlived their usefulness.

1. Bathtub Rubber Stopper


Yes, rubber stoppers for a bathtub on a metal chain were present at one time, probably, in all apartments. However, their time has run out, which we are immensely happy about. Not only do these plugs look unpresentable and old-fashioned, they also do not fit snugly against the drain hole, especially if they have an impressive “age”. As for the chain, it rusts over time and leaves smudges on the surface of the bath, which are very difficult to remove without special household chemicals.

It's good that there is an alternative. Modern bathtubs come with built-in plugs that block the water with one push. Very comfortable, practical and aesthetically pleasing. If desired, such a plug can be purchased separately, and then installed independently. In extreme cases, you can replace the rubber stopper with a metal one - the appearance of the bath will immediately change for the better.

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2. Illuminated switch

Backlight makes it difficult to sleep at night
Backlight makes it difficult to sleep at night

On the one hand, the idea of ​​illuminated devices is very successful - if you need to get up at night, you can easily see the switch in the dark. But on the other hand, its glow can be annoying and attract too much attention, and if such a switch is located in the bedroom, it will disturb your sleep.

Modern models look much more beautiful and practical. They have a stylish and concise design, there are no unnecessary details and additional functions. Such switches fit perfectly into any environment and do not irritate with their brightness. Plus, you definitely don't have to stick tiny pieces of duct tape on each indicator to keep them from glowing bright blue or red even when the lights are off.

3. intercom

It is better to replace the old intercom with a handset with a new model
It is better to replace the old intercom with a handset with a new model

A very useful thing, but the appearance still needs to be worked on. An old yellowed pipe will definitely not add beauty and comfort to your interior, so it's time to take a closer look at modern models. In addition to an attractive appearance, they also have rich functionality: volume control, video calling, and even the ability to change the melody if the standard one gets bored. The installation of a modern intercom after repair is especially relevant, when every little thing in the hallway can spoil the impression of a new interior.

4. Sink-bowl

Sink-bowl impractical
Sink-bowl impractical

We agree that the appearance of such a sink is very interesting and extraordinary, however, from the point of view of practicality, there are many questions. Even designers do not want to work with them, because they believe that these models have a lot of shortcomings. The bowl can crack and split, requires careful care and maintenance, and is inconvenient to use for people of small stature. In addition, due to the non-standard shape, splashes of water scatter outside the sink, which subsequently leads to swelling of the material from which the cabinet is made. As for the appearance, for some people the shape of the sink resembles an ordinary large bowl, standing on top of the countertop - it does not look very aesthetically pleasing.

5. Decorative screen for radiator

The wooden screen should be replaced with glass
The wooden screen should be replaced with glass

Previously, when Soviet cast-iron batteries were in most apartments, it was important to mask them with screens. However, this technique is no longer in fashion. Such products look bulky, focus on radiators, but the worst thing is that they “eat up” precious heat if they are installed incorrectly. In addition, there is always a risk that the wooden screens will dry out from the heat.

Now the stores offer a wide range of a wide variety of heating radiators, so you can choose those models that fit perfectly into the interior so that they do not have to be hidden. If you still want a screen, check out the new varieties. You can even find a glass product that fits perfectly into the apartment of a high-tech connoisseur.

6. Same photo frames

From different photo frames you get a harmonious composition
From different photo frames you get a harmonious composition

If you love photos or posters and consider them the best wall decor option, then it's time to rethink your relationship with frames. Standard, boring products, matched as a blueprint, will not decorate your interior, but will make it faded and inexpressive. Don't be afraid to use your imagination and experiment.

Combine frames from different materials, combine interesting textures into one composition. Dimensions may also vary. The most important thing is to follow a single style so that everything looks harmonious. You will see, after such a modernization, the situation will look bright, fresh and extraordinary, and it will become much more exciting to look at pictures or posters.

7. spider chandelier

yustra spider looks weird
yustra spider looks weird

According to people's reviews, such a chandelier looks tasteless and defiant. In addition, it may well be scary if it catches your eye when you wake up in the middle of the night. It is unlikely that a lighting device that visually resembles a spider will add beauty and comfort to your home. Plus, the chandelier is very difficult to fit into the interior, it does not fit well with any of the existing styles.

We advise you to pay attention to more concise models of simple forms that can complement the decor. If you want the chandelier to become an accent, bet on the original material or shape. Give preference to forged specimens, in the form of lines or rings.

8. Bulky sofa in the kitchen

Large sofa takes up all the space in the kitchen
Large sofa takes up all the space in the kitchen

When the apartment is small, we try to find an extra bed everywhere, even in the kitchen. But these attempts usually do not lead to anything good. We only clutter up valuable space and deprive the room of room for maneuvers. The kitchen was created primarily for cooking, so the main footage should be occupied by a set and necessary household appliances. The remaining space should be given under the dining area, consisting of a table of chairs. In addition, we should not forget that upholstered furniture located in close proximity to the cooking area will constantly get dirty, and the fabric will absorb odors.

Place the sofa in the living room, but not in the kitchen. The maximum that you can install in a room is a kitchenette with a hard back and eco-leather seats, which are more practical than fabric ones. But it is best to opt for standard chairs.

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9. Slate board in the nursery

The slate board creates chaos in the room. / Photo: luber-portal.ru
The slate board creates chaos in the room. / Photo: luber-portal.ru

Once upon a time, this technique was at the peak of popularity. When decorating a nursery, parents always took a piece of the wall or even an entire surface under slate board so that their child can draw in a designated area instead of on wallpaper. Encouraging the creativity of your children is great, but using a slate for this purpose is not a very good solution.

Firstly, chalk accumulates a lot of dust that settles on the floor and furniture, plus it stains children's clothes when the baby comes into contact with the wall. When you try to wash the surface, ugly stains remain on it, which are almost impossible to remove. The overall impression of a room with such a wall will not be the best. Moreover, a feeling of chaos and disorder will be created. And the age when the slate board is relevant passes very quickly.

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10. Bedroom set

The bedroom set looks boring. / Photo: fb.ru
The bedroom set looks boring. / Photo: fb.ru

Previously, furniture sets made in the same style, which included a bed, a wardrobe, cabinets, and sometimes a dressing table, were considered a sign of an elite European-style renovation. However, now, when a huge assortment of a wide variety of interior items is presented in stores, headsets have lost their relevance. They look old-fashioned, tasteless and boring, reminiscent of a picture from a furniture catalog. Designers advise decorating rooms with furniture of different colors and shapes. Materials may also differ, the main thing is that the purchased interior items look harmonious with each other.

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