Have your cucumbers turn yellow, curl and dry leaves? 🍃 not panic! 🍃 What to do: Advice of an experienced gardener (Part 2)

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Good day to all novice and experienced gardeners! In this article I will talk about the reasons may have yellowing leaves of cucumber, how to prevent it and what preventive measures to take in the future.

The causes of yellowing leaves and how to solve problems

To look at the problem as broadly as possible, I suggest to start with a list of possible causes yellowing of the leaves of cucumber:

Violations of irrigation conditions

Most often, the leaves begin to turn yellow cucumbers because of violations of irrigation conditions. And the question here is not only a lack, but abundance of water, as well as its temperature (once I got a few yellow leaves just because it stopped to water the beds supernatant water in the sun, and use a cooler of an iron tank, standing in the shade Garden).

Be particularly careful to observe the conditions recommend watering as before bushes began to bear its first fruits.

Bad light

Not less common and the problem of the lack of lighting: the cucumbers are able to easily grow and obscure each other, so plant them, I always recommend to "respectful" distance (at least 80 cm) from each other. By the way, the leaves turn yellow and can be from excessive heat.

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Changes in temperature

Even the owners of greenhouses are not immune from sudden cold spells so I'm always watching the forecast weather, and in the case of suspected critical temperature decrease harboring special bushes materials.

Pests and diseases

Askohitoz, bacteriosis, peronosporosis, tobacco mosaic - this is not a complete list of diseases, from which the leaves of cucumber can acquire a yellow tint. In addition, the culture responds yellowing of leaves and pests such as spider mites. The decision in this case, one thing - the use of special preparations for pest control (I prefer aktellik).

To protect against diseases culture many of my friends and myself use a fungicide called "Maxim". The most effective is a tool in the fight against late blight, in addition, it is possible to process not only cucumbers, but also other cultures. used 4ml means and two liters of warm water for preparation of the working mixture. The mixture is ready for use after approximately half an hour.

As we can see from the above, keep the leaves from yellowing of cucumbers will only competent care for culture and prevention of pests in the area. By the way! I almost forgot to ask you Like (thumbs up). Subscribe to the our channel and stay with us, we will be very happy! :)