Beautiful room flower that blooms almost all year round and will attract into your house a lot of luck and happiness (Part 2)

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Born flower in the mild climate of humid tropical and subtropical forests of South and Central America. The genus contains about 60 species. But an even greater variety of plants presented in the title: from the Greek language is the "spearhead arrows"; In Botany - Justice; the people - Mexican beauty room or hops.

But the most unusual of them - is "flower - shrimp." Explain so many names, but you can get acquainted with the representative of this kind.

Beloperone or flower - shrimp

Long-term, evergreen shrub. Leaves hairless or are sunken. The flowers are collected in inflorescence, but they are small and fade in just a couple of days. The most beautiful part - it bracts.

It is often called petals, though it is not. Their length reaches 15cm. At the base, they pale green color, which is then gradually gaining strength. Elongated shape and density of the coating, in combination with a reddish tinge, distance makes them look like small marine crustaceans - shrimp!

Interesting fact! In America, the flower is considered a weed and try in every way to get rid of him. We, on the contrary he is admired.
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It is best to place on the window facing west or east. He likes bright light, but during the day it should be pritenyat, in order to avoid burns. In the summer, well it will be useful to move pots on the loggia or in the garden by building a protection against adverse weather conditions.

To create the right climate for the plants be sprayed with a sheet weight of water at room temperature. In normal times - once in two days. In hot weather, the procedure will have to spend up to 3 times per day.

Beloperone very fast growing. To determine the time to help transplant the roots that sprout in the drainage holes. When transplanting you must be careful with the roots, they are very delicate.

folk omens also not spared this magnificent flower party. It is believed that beloperone brings into the house of the owner comfort, well-being and great success in business.