How easy to relieve fatigue of your feet, and get rid of cracked heels, corns and calluses using ordinary herbs

  • Dec 24, 2019
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If you spend most of the day on their feet and do not have time to rest a little bit, then in the evening is simply not feel leg fatigue. A familiar situation for many women?

For help will surely come some simple but very effective foot baths with herbal infusions. Medicinal plants to help relax tired legs, tired skin to disinfect the feet, improve circulation and reduce inflammation and swelling.

Interesting! Regular herbal baths help treat corns and calluses small!

How to remove the leg fatigue with herbs

What good bath of herbs for the feet? Our grandmothers knew a lot of different grass and often used them to promote health and maintain the beauty of the body. Many herbs and flowers, gathered correctly and on time, doing wonders. They give their full potential when brewed, so heal, soothe and give energy. Work-weary feet gratefully respond to such herbal ceremony.

Among the variety of folk ways to help umorennym per day legs the following recipes can be identified as the most simple and effective:

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1. Foot bath based nettle and mint

Collection of herbs has a soothing and healing effect. For the bath is necessary to take 1 tbsp. spoon herbs and pour boiling water. You can use the pharmacy charges, and you can prepare yourself in advance of these useful plants. Steep herbs should not be less than 20 minutes. The resulting fluid should drain and add to the tub. Instead, St. John's wort is often used mint or sage. The duration of the bath - at least 20 minutes.

2. Bath with flowers of chamomile

The plant is known for its anti-inflammatory action. 2 tbsp. tablespoons dried chamomile pour boiling water and leave to infuse for about 10 minutes. Then add a little hot water and leave for another 10 minutes. Medical infusion is ready. Chamomile, supplemented linden flowers more effectively remove unpleasant sensations in the legs.

3. aromatic bath

Lavender flowers, chamomile and St. John's wort are simply created for tired legs: they relax and leaves tone the leg muscles. Following the legs a rest and calms the entire body. A magical fragrance of herbs has a positive effect on the nervous system alarming. This procedure is best done before bedtime. It should take 2 tablespoons. spoons each plant and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Infuse for about 15 minutes, add a little hot water and then place the leg in a warm bath.

4. Trays of herbs and ice

If tired legs after a warm bath you need a little more to serve their mistress, they can be wiped with ice pieces. Well to the ice on the basis of such herbs like yarrow, sage, lemon balm and chamomile. You can make and then freeze each pot separately, but you can infuse them all together.

During the procedure, the water should be immersed not only stop, but also the lower part of the lower leg approximately 15 cm. Many foot baths bring relief to tired women, who in the evening suffering from headaches. Often after a herbal bath and a light foot massage they feel a surge of strength and vigor.

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