What you need to know about the simple cultivation of quince to you to get high yields

  • Dec 24, 2019
yvoy you to get high yields
yvoy you to get high yields

Quince - a worthy representative of the Russian fruitful trees of the garden. Wood unpretentious, beautiful, with large glossy fruits, like apples. As any resident of the garden need to know the owner of the key rules for the care and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle for your pet. Look at the key features of caring for the garden quince.

Terms of care for quince

All recommendations are absolutely start with the fact that in order to grow large and beautiful tree yielding crop, it is important to skillfully choose a seedling. If you're just puzzled acquisition quince bush, then pay attention to all branches of the rhizome were intact, without log cabins and injuries, and the bark of the trunk is smooth and intact. Those who are already in the adjacent garden plots with this wonderful tree, be sure to remember the main aspects of tree care:

  • The landing and ground. Quince - heat-loving and drought-resistant long plant. Thus it is able to firmly endure prolonged rain. This versatility allows you to plant trees where the depth of the ground water table is not high. Quince survive it quietly.
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  • A haircut. Every spring, in the first 2-3 weeks, prior to the time when the trees run through the veins juice, trees important to make cosmetic pruning. Young trees and seedlings need to create the right (desirable) crown, and age-bushes - pruning of old, dry wood.
  • Sprinkle. Before disclosure kidney (warm spring) trees need to spray liquid Bordeaux solution (3%). This contributes to the prevention of pest control. Spray should not be abundant, as the substance has a toxic effect and can simply burn the young buds.
  • Whitewashing the barrel. During warm spring, but to treat kidney disclosure lime tree trunks. You can whitewash the trunk up to the branches, including locations of the skeletal branches of consumption.
  • Write mineral fertilizer 7-10 days after the whitewash.
  • Abundant watering twice a year. In both cases, the aqueous solution must be added the very mineral fertilizers, which were discussed. The first watering - just before flowering. The second watering - just after flowering, as soon as the bulk of the petals shall fade from the tree. In general, during the season the tree should be watered 4-6 times, depending on weather conditions. Young trees need more moisture.
  • by zhrushek leaf processing. A huge number of larvae, insect larvae are on Pozar rich quince sheet. In order to prevent ice jams deciduous necessary through 1.5-2 weeks after the cessation of flowering tree handle special solution. Spraying means "Topaz", for example.
  • Constant loosening the soil and remove weeds. Quince is very fond of, to the power of the roots of oxygen was abundant and regular. The soil under the tree should always be loosened and freed from any weeds.
  • 3-4 weeks before harvest stop all sorts of chemical treatments bushes. This is done so as not to damage the ripe fruit, and to give strength to the wood maturation.
  • Process the urea after harvesting. Such spraying is carried out with the aim of preventing the fight against scab. Even if the tree is healthy, it is necessary to carry out processing. The solution was applied to 5%.
  • Before hibernation (end of November) to carry out pruning (old, damaged, for the formation of the crown). This procedure should be done not before the latter had withered leaf falls from the tree.

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