The future has arrived, anonymity is over

  • Dec 24, 2019

Something quite a while in the technological world has happened is nothing revolutionary here and it happened! February 18, 2016 open service FindFaceWhich with the help of neural networks is the people in the photos on FaceBook.

Everything is very simple. You put the app on your smartphone, you take a picture or upload a photo of any person and the system finds the accounts in Vkontakte people who like him. Usually the first showing of the account of the person you photographed.

This technology opens up a completely amazing opportunity. You can take a picture of the girl in the subway, and immediately found her profile Vkontakte. You can upload your photo and find their "doubles". You can even upload a photo of their object of unrequited love and find another, but very similar. :)

According to the creator of the algorithm Artem Kukharenko, this is achieved through neural networks - artificial intelligence constantly cultivators, and to find the file in the database of the 300 million photos, it takes less seconds. This performance is achieved by converting photos into a special ultra-compact representation.

instagram viewer

FindFace algorithm won the international competition The MegaFace Benchmark, organized by the University of Washington, ahead of more than 100 teams from around the world,

Of course, any disruptive technology has a downside.

It is possible that soon the stores will know everything about the buyer, as soon as it will go into them, and his face gets into the camera lens.

St. Petersburg photographer Egor Tsvetkov launched the project «YOUR FACE IS BIG DATA». He photographed random people on the subway and found FindFace through their photos in Vkontakte.

Egor wrote in his facebook: "Hello! I then removed the project about us. about what occurs if not the Age of Aquarius, then at least the era, which is not even your face just your face, and the key to the identity (if you leave this loophole for themselves!) thanks to fashionable neural networks! remove your personal photos! "

Now Online Egor all information about the project is removed, but remains in the article End of anonymity: Identification of random passengers.

The technology is really revolutionary, but what will happen to FindFace then I do not know. Now the authorization on the site does not work (perhaps Vkontakte shut him access), mobile applications run, but slowly and over time because of the barrage of interest to the program.

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