Planting potatoes without digging the ground or my method which yields results

  • Dec 25, 2019
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There is original and gives very good results method potato landing without digging portion. The main thing with this - do a little preparatory work on the potato beds since autumn.

When in the autumn digging potatoes, the ridges remaining after hilling, usually try to throw harder and smooth. But where it is better to do otherwise: carefully selecting the potatoes (it is convenient to do frequent forks), combs to try to save as much as possible. At the end of September or October, the furrows between the ridges left folded paluyu foliage remnants of flowers, the tops of vegetables (except the tops of potatoes and tomatoes).

In this state, the potato plot and leaves before winter. Early spring in the groove on the folded since the autumn crop residues simply laid sprouting potatoes and poured from a nearby ridge land. The plant remains under the soil decompose, releasing heat and then pereprevaya give food potato.

The advantages of this method of mass

In autumn, when the harvest has been removed and the site is preparing for the winter, the time for plenty of extra work (as opposed to the beginning of spring). Improving soil fertility, potatoes rises faster as the earth is filled with already-heated (plus heat is generated by the decomposition of plant residues). In the spring, when every hour counts, do not have to spend precious time on the soil tillage.

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As the mastery of this technology can be improved and it. In autumn, when harvested potatoes can be dug furrows, specially the old cellar of the ground to the ridge. For best results, you can still hoe nagresti ground, straighten the ridge. Next steps - as described above.

In autumn, forming grooves, each is desirable to put sprigs of marigolds or calendula, because they protect the soil from nematodes. Another advantage of this method: place the planting of potatoes (furrow-ridge) changes every year, due to what turns out very effective rotation.

And the last. The described method is particularly suitable for older people, for whom the main problem in potato cultivation is physically laborious annual digging.

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