Useful properties of cucumber, which few people realize

  • Dec 25, 2019

Cucumber is the most common vegetable in our lives, and not all realize how it can be useful

As part of a cucumber a lot of B vitamins, vitamins C, D, A.

Cucumber more than 80% of water, the liquid being in its composition is similar to the structured water in their qualities.

Eating a decent amount of cucumber, you fill their stomach, comes satiety, but your figure is has no effect on the thighs and extra centimeters in no way are not postponed because the calorie cucumber only 15 kcal. 100 gr. product.

Arrange cucumber fasting days and eat cucumbers for lunch and dinner, so you will eat less junk food and saturation occurs faster.

In its composition cucumbers have a unique tartoronovuyu acid that does not give the carbohydrates turn into fat - it contributes to the normalization of weight.

Cucumber - a great diuretic and choleretic agent, get rid of edema, gently will clean the kidneys and gall bladder, but do not overdo it, so as not to provoke the movement of the stones.

As part of the cucumber contains a sufficient amount of potassium - a beneficial effect on the pressure, it normalizes it, for both hypertensive and hypotensive for.

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Silicon, a part of the cucumber is very beneficial for the hair and skin, strengthens the hair structure, prevents dryness of the skin, reduces inflammation.

As part of this vegetable it contains a lot of iodine - this is good for people suffering from thyroid diseases and has beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system.

Cucumber - is an alkaline vegetable. Eating cucumbers, you normalize the acid-alkaline balance in your body, because acidification better breed bacteria, worse are the processes of wound healing, acidic environment - it gives impetus to the development of cancer cells.

Cucumbers are rich in fiber - it is their property helps cleanse the intestines of debris and toxins. Cucumbers are a great tool in the diagnosis of "lazy intestines."

Cucumbers have long been used as a folk remedy for cosmetic procedures - homemade masks, as they are widely used in the manufacture of skin care products. Masks for home use only fresh vegetables from the garden, preferably ground cucumbers. Cucumber masks have lifting effect (pull-up), as well as promote skin whitening.

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