Thinner metal, stronger tiltable electrode. What for?

  • Dec 25, 2019
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Greetings to all subscribers and visitors to the channel. We continue to dismantle important topics of welding that will be useful to all those who have mastered manual arc welding alone. And now let's talk about why the thinner metal to be welded, the greater the need to tilt the electrode.

Example I To illustrate the metal took a thickness of 1 millimeter, and it will show the effect on the angle of inclination of the electrode welding quality. Draw 3 line is the future seams, they will produce an electrode with rutile, rutile why? Just we will be welded with a margin, as the metal is quite thin.

Seam number 1 will produce vertical electrode at 90 degrees to the workpiece. Seam number 2 will maintain at 45 degrees and 3 seam welded to the electrode slope of 20-30 degrees. Welding is an angle of inclination of the back-electrode to himself and his will to pull over, but the first case, and pull to itself, but without tilting. The current intensity is one and the same.

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Hosted the first joint strictly vertical electrode, so cooking is inconvenient, long time, and quite often it turns out burn-through.

The second seam inclined at 45 degrees do have more fun! Faster than the first and less burn-through.

The third seam was done much faster and easier, through burn-through was not there, so did not have to spend time on them, fused.

Overturn workpiece and see the result, in the first case have 3 of burn, in the second 2 and the third no burn-through. Why did it happen?

For clarity take trimming pipes 2, in one end sawed off at 90 degrees, and the other ends are cut down by 45 degrees and approximately 20-30. Circle on the sheet metal ends of the marker and we saw a rough projection of the arc, which will form a molten pool of about the same shape.

And since the current strength in all three cases, we have the same, then the amount of heat transferred to the weld pool per unit time is also the same. Only now when we are stronger cant electrode, this heat is dissipated over a larger area, so the probability of burning is reduced and welding speed increases. Friends, I hope to get in a comprehensible way to explain this important topic for a beginner.

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