5 tricks planting winter garlic: how to increase yield is 1.5 times

  • Dec 27, 2019

Autumn planting of winter garlic has long been for me an obligatory procedure. Over the years I have noticed for myself a few tricks that help increase future crop almost 1.5 times. Today I want to share these observations with you.

The trick №1. Baths of potassium permanganate and salts

Large harvest can only bring a healthy plant, so before planting cloves of garlic need to be decontaminated. You can do this in two ways.

Method 1. Bath of potassium permanganate

Before planting, the garlic cloves are sent to 2.5-3 hours in the bath of potassium permanganate solution. Usually, I breed potassium permanganate so that water will become pink. You do not need to do too concentrated solution.

Method 2. Tray salt

If the hand was no potassium permanganate, it is possible to replace salt. For this breed in 3 liters of water 4 tablespoons of salt and to omit the cloves. The residence time of garlic in such a solution should be minimized - less than 2.5 minutes.

The trick №2. Always put on different places

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Winter garlic is one of those cultures that do not like landing on the same spot. The thing is that after the previous generation in the soil a deficit important for this crop nutrients, which leads to poor subsequent harvest.

At the same place to plant garlic can be no earlier than 3-4 years. During this time, the soil time to recover and get enough micronutrients necessary for garlic.

The trick №3. Do not use manure

Do not use manure for fertilizer flower beds, which will be planted winter garlic. The thing is that this root prefers neutral soil and manure will add acidifying environment and saturated with nitrogen.

In addition, winter garlic prefers only dry and sunny places. For it is better to choose a place higher.

The trick №4. Obligatory mulching

After planting, the garlic Zamulchiruyte fossa peat or humus. The thickness of the mulch layer should be about 3-4 cm.

I would have recommended to put on a bed layer of branches for the delay of snow. The snow cover will allow to keep warm even in extreme cold.

The trick №5. Never press down on the garlic

Never apply pressure to the garlic cloves on landing. It hurts them and slow the growth and root development. Make a hole in the depth of the index finger and gently put back clove. Prior to surface should remain about 3 cm.

These are simple tricks to help you get rich garlic crop in the next season.

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