In 2020, Russians may refuse and not pay some utility bills by law

  • Dec 10, 2020

Although our country is great and invincible, Russians are constantly dissatisfied with something. In the first place in terms of the amount of criticism are utilities. Most apartment owners pay all the bills, laying out a tidy sum every month.

Image source: Yandex Pictures service
Image source: Yandex Pictures service

It also happens that a communal flat is calculated by a management company that does not act according to the law. In such a situation, the homeowner has the right to refuse to pay bills. Let's dwell on this issue in more detail.

If the invoice amount exceeds the standard

The numbers in the accounts are getting bigger and bigger every year. The Russians cannot be surprised or frightened by this.

We do not have a single percentage in our country at which all tariffs are indexed. Different indexing is performed for each separate region. However, there is a standard that must always be followed. If you received a receipt and you see frankly inflated figures, then feel free to file a complaint. Such an increase is illegal!

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Image source: Yandex Pictures service

This problem is not new in the regions; violations occur everywhere. As a rule, they end with litigation. Judging from the data provided by the Arbitration Court and the Supreme Court, the law often defends the rights of citizens.

Payments that include the content of the ODPU

Residents are not required to pay costs, which are verified and maintained by the ODPU (general house heat metering devices). These costs must be covered by the management companies. A general meeting may be held at which it is decided that the tenants themselves will pay for such expenses.

Residents do not have to pay in excess of the norm for electricity and water, if they do not have metering devices, the apartment is not privatized, but belongs to the state. In such a situation, the responsibility should be borne by the administration, which represents the rights of the owner.

Illegal increase of payment for repair and maintenance of apartments

The Russians are forced to pay monthly for repairs, which will be done at an unknown date. These tariffs also do not stand still, but are constantly increasing. There are a number of factors, referring to which, tenants may refuse to pay the increased cost of repairs.

According to the law, this amount can be increased only after a meeting of owners is held, and most of them vote for the increase.

I hope I managed to bring at least some clarity to your rights. Based on the knowledge gained, you can refuse to pay some of the bills that come monthly. Unfortunately, these rules do not apply to housing and communal services. I really hope that we will wait for that wonderful day when changes for the benefit of the people will begin in our mighty country.

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