Spied on the neighbors how to grow zucchini on a garden pile of garbage. Now I do the same, and am surprised at the huge harvests

  • Dec 10, 2020
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To make the most of the land, a pile of garden waste can also be used for planting. I looked at the neighbors' interesting thing.

This is a very simple and productive way. The number of zucchini will be huge than if they were grown in a regular garden bed. The compost heap is decomposing. If you stick your hand there, then she will even be hot. A huge amount of carbon dioxide will only be a joy to zucchini. Plants grow quickly, and you can start eating earlier than usual.

With this planting method, no chemical fertilizing is required. This will significantly save time and provide an opportunity to grow eco-products.

Where to begin? It is advisable to start arranging the heap in the fall. But if you are late, no big deal, you can start now.

  • All garden debris, branches, fallen leaves, plant debris, weeds. which summer residents burn in vain, we put in one place, organizing a bunch.
  • Above, if any, - manure (it does not hurt). If not, that's okay.
  • The last layer is fertile land.

When favorable terms come, we plant zucchini seedlings in this heap. Or we sow dry seeds in the holes. This is whoever he wants. The vegetable compost heap is a very nutritious place, warm inside.

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Zucchini respects such conditions - the roots are warming up and from this the whole plant is only joy.

By the way! Then the soil in the heap will become high-quality compost. After the end of the summer season, you can use it to fertilize the garden or for seedlings.

The seedlings planted in the hole are first covered with wet soil, then dry, with a layer of 4-5 cm. And in no case do we water - the seedlings will take root easier. We water later, when it starts to grow. As soon as the roots sprout down and get to the "snacks", they will begin to grow vividly.

To harvest a bountiful harvest

There are no difficulties in growing zucchini in this way. Unless during the period of vigorous growth, you need to water the compost heap more with settled water.

After all, the moisture goes deep and helps the mass to rot better. You can mulch the pile with grass to retain moisture.

An important point: It does not hurt to occasionally sprinkle the zucchini with ash, from insect pests. And don't forget to remove large leaves and harvest in time. If you do not pay attention to this, then little ovaries will form.

By the way! I almost forgot to ask you to view a funny gif photo (below) :)

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