Just think that more than 50 years ago the balm-ointment "Zvezdochka" first appeared in the pharmacies of the USSR. And this ointment immediately established itself as miraculous. Why not healed with her help, and the head, and knees, and calluses and runny nose and so on. She became really popular because she really helped.
And this is really a fact. And the thing is that its composition included those components with which the Vietnamese have healed themselves for more than one century! Everything is only natural, all kinds of chemistry are completely excluded. It is based on three substances, these are eucalyptus, mint and cloves. And all this is flavored with the addition of truly healing herbs.
Currently, you can purchase this miracle cure in pharmacies in the form of an ointment, liquid balm, gels and a pencil for inhalation.
And here's where and how you can apply this cheap but effective tool:
1. Treating runny nose and nasal congestion. For these purposes, you can use a pencil for inhalation, if you do not have it, but there is only an ointment, then it is enough to anoint it under your nose. All the congestion will pass and the runny nose will soon leave you. You need to smear under the nose three times a day, for about three days.
2. "Zvezdochka" is used not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of diseases such as influenza and ARVI.
3. If you have a bad cough, rub your chest with an asterisk.
4. If you are bitten by mosquitoes and suffer from itching, and if it is even worse, and you have been bitten by "bees", then the ointment will come to the rescue here too. She needs to smear the bite, and you will immediately feel relief, the itching will go away almost instantly.
5. If your knees hurt and nothing helps you, then the "asterisk" will help. It is necessary twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, to smear the knees with ointment, rub it well, and bandage them with an elastic bandage, or put on knee pads. In a week, your knees will bend, not squeak, they will be like new.
6. If mosquitoes have flown into the room, and you cannot drive them away in any way, then just open a bottle of liquid balm, a smell that mosquitoes hate will spread through the room, and they will quickly leave your dwelling.
7. Even for tooth pain, the ointment will help. It is enough to rub the cheek next to the aching tooth, and if the pain persists, it will become quite bearable.
8. Headache? Take the "star" and rub your temples behind your ears. The pain will subside.
9. Legs swell, all heels are in calluses. Take an asterisk and lubricate the places of edema and the most problematic places where calluses have formed.
The puffiness will subside in a couple of hours, and the heels, after several applications, will become like a baby's!
10. Bad mood, I want to sleep, apathy for everything. You just need to smell the "asterisk", and all these adversities will disappear as if by hand.
11. The puppy chose the wrong place for himself, where he constantly walks "in a small way", grease this place with an "asterisk", he will not come to him anymore.
12. If you have mice at your dacha, use a syringe to spill all the supposed places where they can "hang out" with a liquid balm. Believe me, this "get-together" will have to look for a new home!
You can still write a lot about the merits of this Vietnamese miracle. But I am clearly sure that it must be in every home. It really heals, not cripples.
But before use, be sure to consult a doctor!
How do you use the asterisk, and do you use it at all? Does it help?