Feeding peppers with yeast in the greenhouse and open field

  • Dec 13, 2020

Summer residents who love their plants use a lot of fertilizers, wishing that the seedlings of pepper will turn out healthy and then you can collect excellent tasty fruits. Both natural remedies and chemicals are used. But chemicals can also harm peppers, which is why gardeners are more likely to use organic fertilizers.

Yeast must be mixed into the irrigation water or simply scattered over the soil, since the mushrooms act on it. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Yeast must be mixed into the irrigation water or simply scattered over the soil, since the mushrooms act on it. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

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Description of feeding peppers with yeast

Yeast is called living microbes, or rather very small mushrooms. Their cells are about 500 times smaller than 1 mm, multiply by budding and create huge colonies in comparison with their own size. These mushrooms are made up of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and amino acids to help the healthy development of peppers, as well as minerals such as iron. Yeast can multiply very quickly if it is kept in a warm environment without light. They do this with glucose.

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These microorganisms contain a huge amount of nutrients that dissolve in the soil when yeast is used as fertilizer. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Benefits of Yeast Feeding

These microorganisms contain a huge amount of nutrients that dissolve in the soil when yeast is used as fertilizer. These substances allow the pepper to better resist diseases and pests and nourish the plant, stimulating its rapid growth. Root development is accelerated, additional shoots appear 10-15 days earlier. Also, the structure of the shoot becomes more correct, the pepper does not stretch. And the last plus - the leaves grow very quickly.

The agent must be mixed into the irrigation water or simply scattered over the soil, since the mushrooms act on it. The soil is home to bacteria that convert organic proteins and carbohydrates into inorganic materials that plants feed on. And yeast speeds up the work of these microbes. Single-celled mushrooms just contain proteins and carbohydrates, as soon as they get into the water, the agent immediately begins to actively throw alcohol, biotin and vitamin B1 into it. It is responsible for accelerating root growth.

These substances stimulate the release of special hormones in pepper, which are responsible for the regeneration of damaged tissues and the creation of new ones. Soil bacteria are also involved in fertilization. Due to the abundance of nutrients, they multiply faster, a large mass of microorganisms quickly absorbs nutrients, dissolving inorganic in water, which pass through the root into the pepper and saturate him.

These mushrooms are composed of a large number of different nutrients that seedlings need. 60% of them are proteins, 10% are carbohydrates. The rest is occupied by minerals such as iron.

Feeding peppers with yeast should be carried out during the growth of the seedlings, then all the seedlings will definitely take the right part of the vitamins and minerals. Later, the vegetables will grow faster and will be the correct shape. In addition, they will have improved disease resistance, it will be easier to transplant them to a new place, and vegetables will be able to exist for a long time without bright sun or water.

Feeding peppers with yeast should be carried out during the growth of the seedlings, then all the seedlings will definitely take the right part of the vitamins and minerals. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Reasons for using yeast feeding

If more than 2 weeks have passed, and the plant still has not emerged or has faded leaves, then most likely it is sick. In this case, you need to feed the pepper and wait a while.

If the shrub continues to ache or looks lethargic, and its leaves are not straight and too tough, then you need to add more yeast.

Do you feed peppers with yeast?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

Read about feeding peppers in a greenhouse in the following article:How to feed peppers in a greenhouse for a good harvest