Reasons against pruning pelargonium in the fall

  • Dec 13, 2020

Good afternoon, my reader. One of the most popular indoor plants is geranium, also called pelargonium. Our grandmothers also believed that peace and harmony always reign in the house where this beautiful plant is located.

Geranium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Geranium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Despite the fact that many novice flower growers think that caring for geraniums is quite simple, there is some of the nuances that you need to know in order to achieve good growth and flowering of this decorative culture.

One of the important points in flower care is the pruning procedure. Many owners of pelargonium would like to know if it is worth carrying it out in the fall. Does it make sense to prune geraniums on the eve of wintering?

Experienced flower growers give many reasons against carrying out this procedure in the autumn months.

Undesirable stimulation of the growth of young shoots

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Pruning geraniums is a manipulation aimed, first of all, at stimulating the appearance and growth of new shoots in a plant. For this reason, it is not worth carrying out manipulation before winter. Geraniums should be given the opportunity to retire in the fall, and not be encouraged to grow at the wrong time of the year.

Pruning geraniums in autumn disrupts the natural rhythms of this beautiful plant and only harms it.

Unfavorable time for harvesting cuttings

Florists often resort to pruning geraniums for harvesting cuttings. However, it is undesirable to do this in autumn due to a slowdown in crop growth.

Geranium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

It is preferable to do cuttings in the spring, when the cuttings will intensively grow. A plant obtained from a shoot cut in spring will grow better than a geranium grown from an autumn cut.

Lack of sunlight

It is undesirable to trim the potted inhabitant in the fall due to the lack of lighting in the cold season. In winter, geraniums do not have enough light, even if they are kept on a windowsill well-lit by the sun. In the winter months, the plant receives several times less sunlight than in the summer.

Pruning on the eve of winter leads to a reduction in the green part of the flower, and therefore the area that produces chlorophyll.

Risk of disease and plant decay

By removing leaves from geraniums before wintering, the florist artificially reduces the plant's already reduced need for moisture. After watering, water will stagnate in a pot with trimmed pelargonium, since the evaporation area is significantly reduced due to the loss of deciduous decoration by the flower.

Waterlogging of the soil in combination with cold is detrimental to geranium, fraught with its morbidity and decay.

No need for spring pruning

Pelargonium cut in the fall at the end of winter will have elongated shoots with a rare foliage - a consequence of a lack of light in the cold season and unwanted stimulation of shoot growth before wintering.

Geranium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The flower grower will have to improve the "liquid" bush, resorting to pruning it in the spring.

In what cases is autumn pruning of geraniums still needed?

Experienced flower growers recommend shortening every too long and bare shoot in the autumn. Such partial pruning should be carried out not only in the fall, but also at any other time of the year.

Some varieties of geraniums need autumn pruning. We are talking about Royal Pelargonium and Angel Series Pelargonium. These plants tend to lay flower buds in winter. Spring pruning is contraindicated for them.

Do you prune pelargoniums in the fall?

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