How to get rid of mole rats at their summer cottage

  • Dec 13, 2020

The everyday life of gardeners and truck farmers is not only caring for plants on the site, but also pest control. On the territory of Ukraine, in the southern regions of Russia and the Ciscaucasia, crops often suffer from mole rats. This animal is extremely inventive, so we get rid of mole rats correctly.

The animal is a small rodent that belongs to the mole rat family. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
The animal is a small rodent that belongs to the mole rat family. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Who is a mole rat

The animal is a small rodent that belongs to the mole rat family. The body in length can reach 15-35 cm. The animal has no eyes - there is a skin fold in this place. Deprived of sight, this creature is extremely sensitive to sounds and smells.

The mole rat digs tunnels with its front teeth (incisors) and tampers the ground with a nose covered with a stratum corneum. Branched underground passages can go up to 3 m deep. In summer, the pest feeds on the aboveground parts of plants, and for the winter stores their underground part (carrots, beets, potato tubers). Even bulbous perennial flowers are under attack.

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There are several ways to get rid of a mole rat. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Ways to fight

You can get rid of a mole rat in several ways, including:

  • Physical destruction. For this method, traps and traps are used. You can make them yourself or buy ready-made ones. To lure out a rodent, you need to find a mound in the garden and dig it up to an earthen plug. This will create a draft in the burrows that mole rats cannot stand. As soon as the animal rises to the surface in order to fix the breakage, it will fall into a trap.
  • Pets. Cats and dogs will do well in catching a rodent. The result will be achieved faster if the cat has already had experience in catching mice or rats.
  • Scarers. A more humane way of dealing with a pest is noise devices. Their principle of operation is based on the fact that a blind animal is sensitive to sounds. When an irritant appears, the animal is forced to leave the garden in search of a more comfortable place to live. To achieve the goal, you can dig an empty champagne bottle at an angle into the ground. The wind hitting the throat will cause a hum. Another option is to set the cans on pegs.
  • Ultrasonic scarers. The stores offer devices "Grom-Profi M", "Tornado OZV 01" and many others. Such devices have several advantages. Firstly, ultrasound is not audible to a person, therefore it does not cause inconvenience. At the same time, moles, mole rats and other rodents cannot stand such an impact. Secondly, scarers are highly effective, you just need to place them correctly on the site.
  • Plants. Some gardeners advise planting parsnips with long branched rhizomes around the perimeter of the site. It is believed that mole rats cannot stand the smell of this plant.
  • Water. Having found a mound from a rodent in the garden, you need to clear the entrance and fill it with water from a hose. It is inconvenient to do this with a bucket, since more than 100 liters of liquid will be required. When all the passages are flooded, the underground dweller will float.
  • Chemistry. Poisonous substances should be used with extreme caution, as they poison the soil and the plants on it. In addition, such a remedy is also detrimental to pets.

To increase the chances of winning, it is worth choosing not one, but several from the options offered.

Have you had to get rid of mole rats in your summer cottage?

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

For information on how to get rid of moles on the site, read the following article:How to get rid of moles at their summer cottage