How to properly feed plants with ash

  • Dec 13, 2020

Wood ash is organic and can be used to feed seedlings, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, which grow in open soil and in greenhouse conditions, as well as onions, white cabbage, beets and melons. Shrubs, strawberry bushes, flower crops are treated with a universal solution.

Wood ash contains a rich complex of mineral components (about 30), which contribute to the stable growth of crops. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Wood ash contains a rich complex of mineral components (about 30), which contribute to the stable growth of crops. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

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Ash feeding rules

Wood ash contains a rich complex of mineral components (about 30), which contribute to the stable growth of crops. There is no chlorine in the fertilizer formula.

The tool is used to feed the soil when growing the following plant varieties:

  • strawberries;
  • currant;
  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • garlic;
  • peppers;
  • tomatoes;
  • raspberry;
  • potatoes;
  • beet;
  • pumpkin (squash, pumpkin, zucchini).

When deciding how to properly feed the plants with ash, it is recommended to determine the crops for which the composition is not suitable. The list includes:

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  • blueberry;
  • azalea;
  • cranberry;
  • lingonberry.

Ash is used for stove (from logs) and vegetable.

The stove option is environmentally friendly when using high-quality logs. The materials for the furnace must be free of mold traces, parts of plastic film, rubber, decorative paper and other synthetic compounds must not get into the furnace. Deciduous crops are distinguished by the most saturated potassium composition. It is optimal to light a fire or a furnace for preparing ashes with birch logs.

The herbal version is obtained by burning grass. Buckwheat contains about 36% of potassium oxide. The peat composition has a high concentration of calcium, but a low ratio of phosphorus and potassium.

It is forbidden to use ashes that are obtained after stoking household waste. Firewood is recommended to be burned in a roomy iron structure with high walls. The finished ash is stored in a dry place, the ash is placed in a wooden plank box with a sealed lid. Cellophane bags are not used for storage, because they can collect moisture.

For fertilization, ash can be used in a concentrated solution. Ashes can be buried in the soil near the crop being fed.

According to the rules, the solution is prepared in accordance with the sequence of actions:

  • ash (1 glass) dissolves in a bucket of cool water (10 l);
  • stir the solution before use;
  • the composition is poured under the roots.
For fertilization, ash can be used in a concentrated solution. Ashes can be buried in the soil near the crop being fed. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
For fertilization, ash can be used in a concentrated solution. Ashes can be buried in the soil near the crop being fed. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

To prepare the infusion, fill the bucket up to 1/3 with ash, add heated water to the brim and leave for 2 days. Then the infusion is filtered and used to fertilize or spray the bushes.

Plant fertilization

To enhance the growth of seedlings, it is required to spray with a solution after 8-10 days. The procedure helps to protect plants from insect pests. After the appearance of several leaves, the plants are sprayed with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust in a 1: 1 ratio. The procedure protects crops from insects. When planting in the ground, 1-2 st. l. dry wood ash. Fertilizer will provide better plant survival.

The ash solution is used to water vegetables that are grown in greenhouses. For 1 bush, it is necessary to apply 0.5-1 liters of fertilizer composition.

Cucumbers need to be watered when blooming, 0.5 liters per bush. The procedure allows you to prevent the lack of calcium and potassium in the soil and improve the process of fruit ripening. Top dressing is performed after 10 days.

Cucumbers that grow in open soil require foliar fertilization. The foliage is sprayed with ash infusion. During the budding period, it is required to perform 3-4 sprays per month.

When caring for peppers and tomatoes when digging the earth, it is required to add 3 cups of dry ash per 1 m². When planting, a handful of ash is added to the holes. During the growing season, ash is applied to the ground under the bushes of tomatoes and peppers before watering. Then the soil needs to be loosened.

In the fall, when digging the beds for planting onions and garlic, add 2 cups of ash per 1 m² to the ground, in the spring - 1 cup each. Processing with wood ash will help prevent rot. The furrows are watered with infusion between plantings and fertilizers are applied at the root. 3 treatments are required per season.

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